How to Build a Friendship With Your Ex Partner

How to Build a Friendship With Your Ex Partner – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Build a Friendship With Your Ex Partner. This topic was created by Anna Politi and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Is It Really Possible to Stay Friends With an Ex?

Published:  | Submitted by Hugo Pen | permalink
Is It Really Possible to Stay Friends With an Ex?

Kaley Cuoco Sweeting did it, and Gwyneth Paltrow plans to do it, too. Find out what the experts have to say about this tricky situation.
Tags: staying friends with an ex,kaley cuoco sweeting,relationship advice,staying friends with an ex quotes,how to stay friends with an ex,dating tips,marriage,ex,breakups

Tip 2 - Should You Be Friends with an Ex?

Published:  | Submitted by Meo Kellerman | permalink
Should You Be Friends with an Ex?

Once a relationship ends, it's hard to know where your ex fits into your life—is he your new BFF? Or just someone you reconnect with here and there, like exes Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson just did. Check out our expert tips to suss out whether you sho
Tags: cosmopolitan, friend with ex, cosmo, boyfriend, relationship end, should you be friends with an ex, kate hudson owen wilson

Tip 3 - Can You Ever Be <BR>Friends With Your Ex?

Published:  | Submitted by Kurst | permalink

AM explores and answers the age-old question: Can you ever be friends with your ex?
Tags: Can You Ever Be Friends With Your Ex?, ex, girlfriends, exes, friends, ex-girlfriend, lovers, jealousy, anger, dumped, sex, naked, intimate, dumper, dump, breaking up, bitter, bitterness, pride, jealousy, passion,

Tip 4 - Being Friends with an Ex-Boyfriend or Ex-Girlfriend

Published:  | Submitted by Erik Hovingh | permalink
Being Friends with an Ex-Boyfriend or Ex-Girlfriend

Whether you can be friends with an ex tends to be determined by the two people once involved in the relationship. But as with anything else, there are some expert opinions on the matter. Susan J. Elliot, author, relationship coach, counselor and speaker/...
Tags: ashley,atmosphere,being friends,boyfriends,coach counselor,emotional aftermath,ex girlfriend,explanations,feelings,girlfriends,grief,huffington post,masters in social work,motives,new friendship,people,pictur,relationship coach,romantic partner,scrutiny,sifting through,speaker presenter,stresses

Tip 5 - The 10 Commandments for Staying Friends With Your Exes

Published:  | Submitted by Patty Mc Daniel | permalink
The 10 Commandments for Staying Friends With Your Exes

I call my friend Ashley the &#8220;Ex-Boyfriend Whisperer.&#8221; I call her this because no matter how bad any of her breakups have been, four months after the split, Ashley and her former beau have moved safely into the friend zone. This hasn&#8217;t happened just once or twice. A few fluke friendships can happen to anyone. I recently asked Ashley how many serious (more than three months was the cutoff) boyfriends she had, and how many of them she remained friends (in regular contact) with. It took her a minute, a pad and a pen and access to Facebook before she responded, &#8220;Fifteen for fifteen.&#8221; Then she proceeded to tell me she couldn&#8217;t hang out the following weekend because she had to go to a baptism for her college boyfriend&#8217;s baby. Seriously. Ashley is rare, but she isn&#8217;t some kind of relationship unicorn. There are some men and women whose superpowers include maintaining beyond-cordial associations with everyone they&#8217;ve ever seriously dated. So, what&#8217;s the secret? I asked 10 of these savants to share their Ten Commandments for Staying Friends With an Ex. Some of the rules are rational but difficult for those of us who relish the irrational after a

Tip 6 - Friends With Ex

Published:  | Submitted by copperstone | permalink
Friends With Ex

Tip 7 - How to Get Along With Your Ex After a Breakup

Published:  | Submitted by Chris Grell | permalink
How to Get Along With Your Ex After a Breakup

Learning to get along with an ex can be necessary for mutual friends, children, or professional reasons. It's not easy, but there are some things you can do to more smoothly transition from a breakup to being friends—or at the very least, civil.
Tags: Relationships, breakup, dating, emotions, psychology, communication, networking, Lifehacker

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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