How to Burn Fat Sitting at Your Computer

How to Burn Fat Sitting at Your Computer – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Burn Fat Sitting at Your Computer. This topic was created by Ximena Julio and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Lose Belly Fat While Sitting at a Desk | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by eriatarka | permalink
How to Lose Belly Fat While Sitting at a Desk | LIVESTRONG.COM

If your belly is growing, your work performance may be shrinking. According to the Duke Global Health Institute, obesity increases your chances of "presenteeism" -- lost productivity on the job because of health issues. The problem can include working slower, repeating a job and feeling fatigued while working. Sitting down too long...

Tip 2 - 11 Exercises to Do While Sitting at Your Computer

Published:  | Submitted by Trista Harris | permalink
11 Exercises to Do While Sitting at Your Computer

If you are sitting in front of a computer all day for your work, make the most of it by exercising your different muscle groups even while you are finishing a PowerPoint presentation or filling out cells in an Excel worksheet. Stretch your upper body muscles to keep your neck and back from going stiff. Do regular wrist rolls to avoid getting carpal tunnel syndrome. And if your boss allows it, sit on an exercise ball instead of a regular desk. You might look a little goofy, but at least you will have a better chance of achieving a perfect six-pack than if you sit on a regular desk chair with

Tip 3 - Lose Weight Sitting at Your Desk

Published:  | Submitted by Phil Braun | permalink
Lose Weight Sitting at Your Desk

Sitting at your desk all day can wreak havoc on your body. Did you know that good cholesterol levels actually decrease 20 percent and your risk of diabetes increases after only a couple hours of
Tags: lose weight at work, desk job, stress relief, healthy lifestyle, office job, weight loss tips, stock your desk, healthy snacks, healthy office snacks

Tip 4 - 5 ways to fight belly fat on the job

Published:  | Submitted by Linda Lupowitz | permalink
5 ways to fight belly fat on the job

Fighting belly fat only gets harder as we age, and is an obvious risk when being seated for several hours while we work. But desk jockeys need not lose the "bat

Tip 5 - How a Sedentary Lifestyle (Sitting Too Much Every Day) Can Seriously Endanger Your Health

Published:  | Submitted by Torg | permalink
How a Sedentary Lifestyle (Sitting Too Much Every Day) Can Seriously Endanger Your Health

You might not want to take the following stat sitting down: According to a poll of nearly 6,300 people by the Institute for Medicine and Public Health, it's likely that you spend a stunning 56 hours a week planted like a geranium—staring at your computer screen, working the steering wheel, or collapsed in a heap in front of your high-def TV. And it turns out women may be more sedentary than men, since they tend to play fewer sports and hold less active jobs. Even if you think you are energetic, sitting all day at work is common for most of us. And it's killing us—literally—by way of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. All this downtime is so unhealthy that it's given birth to a new area of medical study called inactivity physiology, which explores the effects of our increasingly butt-bound, tech-driven lives, as well as a deadly new epidemic researchers have dubbed "sitting disease." The Modern-Day Desk Sentence
Tags: health, sedentary, sitting all day, sitting too much, obesity, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, sitting back pain, sit desk

Tip 6 - Is Your Office Making You Fat?

Published:  | Submitted by Bellamuse | permalink
Is Your Office Making You Fat?

You know that being parked at your desk all day can expand your waistline. But it may be harming your health more than you realize.
Tags: health, weightloss, wellness, health tips

Tip 7 - Increase Your Metabolism While Sitting At a Desk All Day

Published:  | Submitted by Daniel Gonse | permalink
Increase Your Metabolism While Sitting At a Desk All Day

With the influence of the computer, every year more and more people find themselves at jobs where they basically sit in a chair all day working on the computer. While many of these jobs can be stressful, frustrating and important - they do nothing...

Tip 8 - Free Ebook And Workout Video For Free

Published:  | Submitted by stiwix | permalink

Hi It's Me Aline Pilani In This Page I Will Give You My Ebook & The 18 Minutes Full Body Workout Video for FREE! So What Are You Waiting For Hurry Limited Time Offer

Tags: aline, aline pilani, ebook, ebook weight loss, workout, workout video, free weight loss program

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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