How to Buy Haunted Items on Ebay

How to Buy Haunted Items on Ebay – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Buy Haunted Items on Ebay. This topic was created by Hideyuki Horie and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - A Guide to Buying Haunted Items

Published:  | Submitted by Tanya Erlank | permalink
A Guide to Buying Haunted Items

    The eBay market for haunted and enchanted items has swelled significantly over the last few years, and, with it, the possibility for fraud.  This text is meant to serve as a general guide for buyers...
Tags: haunted items genie paranormal magick coven

Tip 2 - 5 Haunted Items On eBay (And the Stories Behind Them)

Published:  | Submitted by Ng Hon | permalink
5 Haunted Items On eBay (And the Stories Behind Them)

You know, sometimes I like to browse around on eBay to see what kind of weird stuff is for sale. Ever since they banned spells and curses, it's been less interesting, but that doesn't mean there aren't some creepy items left to be found.

Tip 3 - The 7 Most Questionable 'Haunted' Items on eBay

Published:  | Submitted by M 3at | permalink
The 7 Most Questionable 'Haunted' Items on eBay

Here are some of this year's braver efforts to profit from the superstitions of idiots.

Tip 4 - These People Spend Thousands of Dollars Buying 'Haunted Dolls' from eBay | VICE | United States

Published:  | Submitted by Syed Eidzah | permalink
These People Spend Thousands of Dollars Buying 'Haunted Dolls' from eBay | VICE | United States

The purportedly possessed children's toys can sell for as little as $45 and for more than $1,500.
Tags: haunted dolls, possessed objects, horror film, Annabelle doll, true story, UK, United Kingdom, collectors, buy haunted doll, Jayne Harris, possessed, demons, Jak Hutchcraft, dybbuk box, The Possession, Nancy Oyola, KII, EVP, ghost hunter, John Sixthsense, VICE Global

Tip 5 - Haunted Dolls for Sale

Published:  | Submitted by Al Goodwin | permalink

Aj's Haunted Dolls From a very young age my sister and I were able to sense and communicate with spirits. What most people would believe to be imaginary
Tags: haunted dolls for sale, paranormal dollls for sale, clown dolls, wiccan dolls, vintage dolls

For further reading: [5]

Tip 6 - 10 Most Haunted Objects Of All Time (haunted items, haunted dolls) - ODDEE

Published:  | Submitted by cydawn | permalink
10 Most Haunted Objects Of All Time (haunted items, haunted dolls) - ODDEE

From haunted dolls to a simple chair, these are ten of the scariest haunted objects ever documented. (haunted items, haunted dolls)
Tags: haunted items, haunted dolls

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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