How to Buy a Phono Cartridge

How to Buy a Phono Cartridge – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Buy a Phono Cartridge. This topic was created by rbillard and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Choose a Phono Cartridge

Published:  | Submitted by Bernie Weinstein | permalink
How to Choose a Phono Cartridge

Listening to music recordings on vinyl records has been popular since the 1950s, while similar shellac records date to the early twentieth century. Vinyl remains popular even today in both the hi-fidelity audiophile community and the DJ...
Tags: WikiHow, Choose a Phono Cartridge, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 2 - Top 5 Turntable Cartridge and Stylus Combination Products

Published:  | Submitted by Murdocc 11 | permalink
Top 5 Turntable Cartridge and Stylus Combination Products

.Music lovers, young or old, often invest in a phonograph or turntable on which the record rests. As the turntable revolves, the record moves in circles as well, and the slender stylus reads the grooves...
Tags: Audio-Technica Moving Coil Turntable Cartridge and Stylus Ortofon 2M Red Turntable Cartridge and Stylus Shure M97xE High-Performance Magnetic Turntable Cartridge and Stylus Grado Prestige Black 1.5-Mount Turntable Cartridge and Stylus Audio-Technica Dual Magnet Turntable Cartridge and Stylus

Tip 3 - Top 10 Turntable Cartridges

Published:  | Submitted by Linda Wilkie | permalink
Top 10 Turntable Cartridges

While digital music and the Internet have made listening to music more affordable and convenient, many audiophiles have decried the loss of sound quality in many compressed files. They long for the richness...
Tags: Grado Prestige Gold 1 Cartridge Ortofon MC 20 Cartridge Audio Technica AT110E Shure M97xE Dynavector 10X5 Stanton 520v3 Denon DL 103 Ortofon 2M Red Grado Prestige Black Goldring 1042GX

Tip 4 - Phono Cartridges | Music Direct

Published:  | Submitted by James Sanduski | permalink

Music Direct carries a large selection of phono cartridges. We stock moving magnet and moving coil phono cartridges for any budget. Let us help you choose the best phono cartridge today.
Tags: phono cartridges,moving coil phono cartridges,moving magnet phono cartridges,phonograph cartridges,audiophile phono cartridges

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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