How to Camp with Children

How to Camp with Children – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Camp with Children. This topic was created by Vuyo Mkonwna and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The 9-Step Guide to Camping With Kids

Published:  | Submitted by Arthur and Carol Goldberg | permalink
The 9-Step Guide to Camping With Kids

Yes, a camping trip with children can be fun and easy. Here’s how.
Tags: fun, easy, camping, family, kids, inexpensive, vacation, travel,

Tip 2 - 10 tips for camping with children for the first time | Cool Mom Picks

Published:  | Submitted by Roberto MACII | permalink
10 tips for camping with children for the first time | Cool Mom Picks

We just returned from our third tent-camping excursion, and while I wouldn’t call us back-country experts, I’ve learned a lot since that first trip...

Tip 3 - How To Camp with Kids: Family Camping Tips

Published:  | Submitted by Pierre Van Bambeke | permalink
How To Camp with Kids: Family Camping Tips

As you may have noticed, we've been trying to get more of our Mommy Poppins families out camping, so we've been sharing some great Los Angeles area campgrounds and even offering up several pla

Tip 4 - Family Camping Checklist (and a few great tips!)

Published:  | Submitted by Julien Privu 00e 9 | permalink
Family Camping Checklist (and a few great tips!)

There's no doubt about it, camping is hard work. Organizing gear, getting a reservation, preparing food for several days ahead, packing the car, and making sure there is enough to do to entertain the whole family—it can overwhelm. But it's worth it! You're guaranteed to make lasting family memories, enjoy lots of laughs with the family, and get plenty of outdoor time for the kids. To help you get out under the stars, we've put together some tips for camping with the family and a checklist of what to take.
Tags: camping checklist, family camping, camping gear, what to take camping

Tip 5 - Camping with kids made easy! Kidspot tips and tricks

Published:  | Submitted by phopsycho | permalink
Camping with kids made easy! Kidspot tips and tricks

Family camping is a cheap and fun holiday where the family can bond. Suze English explains how to set up camp, tents, gear and food to enjoy the ultimate trip.

Tip 6 - The 20 coolest places to camp with kids in the US this summer

Published:  | Submitted by Patricio Giecco | permalink
The 20 coolest places to camp with kids in the US this summer

Tent camping with your family can be one of the most rewarding experiences you'll ever have as a traveler. Do it this summer:

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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