How to Cancel a Wedding But Still Have the Ceremony

How to Cancel a Wedding But Still Have the Ceremony – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Cancel a Wedding But Still Have the Ceremony. This topic was created by Karen Quick and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Calling It Off : Etiquette Q&A

Published:  | Submitted by benard omar | permalink
Calling It Off : Etiquette Q&A

Besides the emotional fallout, there are logistical issues to take care of when a wedding gets called off. Here's what you'll need to expect.

Tip 2 - Getting Married, But Without the Wedding

Published:  | Submitted by Wayne Schertler | permalink
Getting Married, But Without the Wedding

We got married in a judge's private office on a Friday afternoon. Besides my husband, the only other people present were my sister, and three close friends. I told my parents a week before we got married what our plans were, and they asked, "Why so quickly? What's the hurry?" It wasn't quick or sudden [...]

Tip 3 - Has anyone canceled a wedding ceremony before? - Weddingbee

Published:  | Submitted by Antonio de Jesus Sagols | permalink

My husband and I are already married, but we just did it legally but we love each other very much. We are planning to have a ceremony in October and I

Tip 4 - How To Call Off Your Wedding

Published:  | Submitted by Karen Nulty | permalink
How To Call Off Your Wedding

He said "will you marry me?" and you said "Yes! Of course I will!" But what the heck do you do, six months later, when you're knee-deep in engagements gifts and RSVPs to your destination wedding and you find yourself not wanting to marry this person after all.
Tags: how, to, call, off, your, wedding, weddings

Tip 5 - You've Decided to Cancel the Wedding; Now What?

Published:  | Submitted by Locke Brillhart | permalink
You've Decided to Cancel the Wedding; Now What?

Page 2. Once you've made the difficult decision to cancel a wedding, there are important steps you should take to get as much of your money refunded as possible, and to follow etiquette regarding the gifts and the ring. Here is simple advice on what steps to take.

Tip 6 - Wedding Venue Refuses Refund For Canceled Ceremony, Even Though It Books Replacement Event

Published:  | Submitted by kate lahav | permalink
Wedding Venue Refuses Refund For Canceled Ceremony, Even Though It Books Replacement Event

Cancelling wedding plans can be a huge financial nightmare, especially if you're already locked into big-ticket, non-refundable purchases. But if one of your non-refundable buys -- the venue, for e...

Tip 7 - People who have called off their wedding, why? • /r/AskReddit

Published:  | Submitted by Metalhead 412 | permalink
People who have called off their wedding, why? • /r/AskReddit

1704 points and 6680 comments so far on reddit
Tags: reddit,, vote, comment, submit

Tip 8 - Legal Requirements for Marriage FAQ's - FindLaw

Published:  | Submitted by Jim Tomczyk | permalink
Legal Requirements for Marriage FAQ's - FindLaw

Many people think the legal requirements for marriage are confusing and overwhelming. The reality is, once you know what is required in your state, the steps are
Tags: Family Law, Marriage Law, Marriage Law Overview

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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