How to Care for Trampolines in the Winter

How to Care for Trampolines in the Winter – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Care for Trampolines in the Winter. This topic was created by Andrea Maggiore and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Should You Leave Your Trampoline Up During the Winter? | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by H Derik | permalink
Should You Leave Your Trampoline Up During the Winter? | LIVESTRONG.COM

Backyard trampolines can entertain even the most high-energy children for hours. The fast-paced jumping and acrobatics involved are fun for adults, too, and also offer a good aerobic workout. The question of whether you should leave your trampoline standing during the winter depends largely on personal preference and available storage space. If you...

Tip 2 - Winter Maintenance and Care for Your Trampoline

Published:  | Submitted by hstm | permalink

As the leaves fall and temperatures drop, we can feel winter just around the corner. Do you know how to care for your trampoline when snow comes?
Tags: trampoline, trampolines, trampolin, backyard trampoline, safest trampoline, trampoline accessories, jumping acitivities, backyard activities

Tip 3 - Winter Care & Maintenance

Published:  | Submitted by Travis Good | permalink

Protect your investment
Tags: trampoline, trampolines, trampolin, backyard trampoline, safest trampoline, trampoline accessories, jumping acitivities, backyard activities

Tip 4 - How to Care for Trampolines in the Winter | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Troels Reich | permalink
How to Care for Trampolines in the Winter | eHow

It seems that all the backyard fun goes away when the weather turns cold. The ground covers with snow, the crisp air nips at your nose and the sun begins setting earlier and earlier. But all-weather trampolines can be left out and used during the winter, as long as you can bear the low temperatures.

Tip 5 - Keeping Your Kids Active During the Winter Months with Springfree Trampoline

Published:  | Submitted by Kumaresh Chatterjee | permalink
Keeping Your Kids Active During the Winter Months with Springfree Trampoline

As a Springfree Trampoline Ambassador, we received a trampoline and other promotional items. All thoughts are my own. Winter is upon us and the entire hous

Tip 6 - How to Care for Your Outdoor Trampoline

Published:  | Submitted by Jeff Leyland | permalink
How to Care for Your Outdoor Trampoline

An outdoor trampoline is a popular children's outdoor toy. Enjoyable to use and good exercise, outdoor trampolines come in a range of shapes and sizes, suitable for any age. A top quality trampoline may...
Tags: Trampoline Outdoor Trampoline Trampoline Cover 12-Foot Trampoline Rectangular Trampoline

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

16.9k+ Reads
6 Tips
6 Votes
1 Saved