How to Change a Child's Poor Attitude

How to Change a Child's Poor Attitude – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Change a Child's Poor Attitude. This topic was created by Sara Boe and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Kid got a bad attitude? Here’s how to change it

Published:  | Submitted by Johan F | permalink
Kid got a bad attitude? Here’s how to change it

Today in "Parenting Weekends" we continue a series of excerpts from “Laying Down the Law: The 25 Laws of Parenting to Keep Your Kids on Track, Out of Trouble, and (Pretty Much) Under Control,” the most recent book by “Today” show contributor Dr. Ruth Peters. Law #5:Connect Consequences to BehaviorI guarantee you can get better behavior from your child. But there is only one way to do it.

Tip 2 - 4 Positive Ways to Deal With Your Kid’s Negative Attitude

Published:  | Submitted by Jean - Pierre Dosse | permalink
4 Positive Ways to Deal With Your Kid’s Negative Attitude

Does your child complain about homework and everything else under the sun? Parenting expert Annie Fox offers some helpful advice.
Tags: Education

Tip 3 - Bad Child Behavior: Where to Start | Empowering Parents

Published:  | Submitted by Gert - Jan Koetsier | permalink
Bad Child Behavior: Where to Start | Empowering Parents

Lots of parents deal with child behavior so bad, they don�t even know where to start. Here�s how to start coaching your child forward to better behavior.
Tags: bad child behavior, change child behaviour, parenting techniques

Tip 4 - How to Deal with Negative Children | Empowering Parents

Published:  | Submitted by bora | permalink
How to Deal with Negative Children | Empowering Parents

Your child�s negativity can feel like a magnet. The best thing to do is be conscious of what�s happening and don�t get sucked into that orbit of negativity.
Tags: Negative Children, Complaining Teens,

Tip 5 - Attitude Problem

Published:  | Submitted by Ian Morrison | permalink

Learn about how to deal with kids who have bad attitudes. Includes managing emotions, correcting bad behavior, and more. Find out everything you need to know about parenting.

Tip 6 - How can I change my son's bad attitude and behavior? -

Published:  | Submitted by Elaine Snapp | permalink

<p>My 4-year-old is the oldest of my three boys and he has a very bad attitude and temper. When he does not get his way, he starts fussing and arguing with me. He throws his toys and is very ungrateful and demanding. For example, when I cook something that he doesn&rsquo;t want to eat, he yells and then goes to his room. It&rsquo;s starting to rub off on my 2-year-old, and I need help on how to control his attitude. I have tried time-outs, taking his stuff away, etc., but nothing is working.</p>

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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