How to Change the Default Directory on the Windows Explorer Start Menu

How to Change the Default Directory on the Windows Explorer Start Menu – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Change the Default Directory on the Windows Explorer Start Menu. This topic was created by Fredrik Winther and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Set the Windows Explorer Startup Folder in Windows 7

Published:  | Submitted by Bartosz Walkowiak | permalink
Set the Windows Explorer Startup Folder in Windows 7

When you open Windows Explorer from the Taskbar in Windows 7, it defaults to the Libraries view. Today we take a look at changing the target path to allow you to customize which location opens by default.

Tip 2 - changing start up folder in Windows Explorer

Published:  | Submitted by Steve O Connor | permalink
changing start up folder in Windows Explorer

i would like to change the default folder windows explorer to be my desktop. please advise me as to how to do this. thank you. beryl66
Tags: Windows,Personalization and Ease of Access,Windows Vista

Tip 3 - Set a “default” folder for Windows Explorer pinned taskbar icon in Windows 7?

Published:  | Submitted by Idris Dahod | permalink
Set a “default” folder for Windows Explorer pinned taskbar icon in Windows 7?

Using Windows 7. I have a Windows Explorer icon pinned to my taskbar. When no Explorer window is open, clicking it takes me to “Libraries”, a folder that I never use. Is there a way to set a defa...

Tip 4 - Windows Explorer Default Open Location in Vista when using Start->RightClick

Published:  | Submitted by mark kovach | permalink
Windows Explorer Default Open Location in Vista when using Start->RightClick

I'm running Vista. I normally right-click on the bottom left-hand Start button and select "Explore" from the pop-up context menu to start Windows File Explorer. Currently the initial location displ...

Tip 5 - Editing the Windows 7 Start Menu in Windows Explorer

Published:  | Submitted by PS 3sszoom | permalink
Editing the Windows 7 Start Menu in Windows Explorer

Gkuep1945 used to alter the Start menu from inside XP's Windows Explorer, and now asks the Answer Line forum how to do that in Windows 7

Tip 6 - Quick Tip: Change the launch directory to show all drives in Windows Explorer

Published:  | Submitted by Xochitl Valladares | permalink

By default, Windows Explorer in Windows 7 launches in the Library folder. However, you can change the launch folder to the system root directory.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 10 month(s) ago

26k+ Reads
6 Tips
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