How to Charge a Compaq Laptop Battery

How to Charge a Compaq Laptop Battery – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Charge a Compaq Laptop Battery. This topic was created by Ellen Romanow and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Charge a Compaq Laptop Battery | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Brian Woo | permalink
How to Charge a Compaq Laptop Battery | eHow

Compaq, formerly an independent computer manufacturer, is a line of computer products sold by Hewlett-Packard. Compaq laptops are typically on the lower end of the cost spectrum, and are popular among consumers by offering a cheap entry point for notebooks. Like most laptops, Compaq laptop batteries are prone to lose their charge over time. It's...

Tip 2 - "Plugged in, not charging" Compaq Presario cq62. I'm in IT, I believe the problem is with hardware.

Published:  | Submitted by Gabriel Bononi | permalink
"Plugged in, not charging"  Compaq Presario cq62. I'm in IT, I believe the problem is with  hardware.

I work in IT (mostly software) and i have a customer who had a Compaq Presario CQ62 (win 7) for two years, with multiple hardware wipes and OS reinstalls. A problem with the fan came up and he came to

Tip 3 - 3 Solutions for Laptop Battery Not Charging When Plugged In • Raymond.CC

Published:  | Submitted by Adiel Ron | permalink
3 Solutions for Laptop Battery Not Charging When Plugged In • Raymond.CC

There is a well known bug in Windows 7 where plugging in the power to your laptop would not charge. Here are 3 solutions that would easily solve the problem.

Tip 4 - Laptop plugged in but not charging the battery

Published:  | Submitted by Artina | permalink
Laptop plugged in but not charging the battery

My laptop CQ60 153EM has a problem since i purchage it. Does not mater if the machine is on or off but when i plugged the power the charging light does not show and if i am on the vista the problem is the same, no charging light and the power meter shoes that is not charging. If i wait for long time...
Tags: hard drive, cd drive, computer memory, dvd drive, keyboard, mouse, CPU, card readers, ports, touchpad

Tip 5 - Pease help!! battery issue. "plugged in, not charging"

Published:  | Submitted by David Yavitz | permalink
Pease help!! battery issue. "plugged in, not charging"

Hello,  I have a dv6628us notebook with windows vista 32 bit.  I’ve had this notebook 13 months. About 4 days ago it started saying, "plugged in, not charging." The only time it will charge is when the computer is fully shut down. I am a student and need my PC working ASAP! I called support and tol...
Tags: operating system, software

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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