How to Choose a Crankbait

How to Choose a Crankbait – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Choose a Crankbait. This topic was created by tabsham and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Crankbaits - How To Choose A Crankbait - Picking A Crankbait

Published:  | Submitted by Marianne Buch | permalink
Crankbaits - How To Choose A Crankbait - Picking A Crankbait

How do you choose which crankbait to buy and which one to fish with? What shape should you fish today? Why fish a crankbait instead of a worm or spinnerbait?

Tip 2 - Lure Tip: How To Choose the Right Crankbait for Any Situation

Published:  | Submitted by reginald reginald | permalink

Used to be I had a lot of trouble with crankbaits. I had several different colors, styles, and brands, but I never used any one of them enough to get good at working it. The answer lay in a bit of organization. So I bought a bunch of Bandit baits in sizes 100, 200, and 300. Each series dives to a different depth, but the baits are otherwise similar. I figured using one brand and style would make things easier. Then I set a few small buoys at different known depths and anchored a short distance away. By casting beyond the buoys and retrieving the bait I would know if I was hitting bottom or not at a specific depth. I learned a lot this way.
Tags: crankbaits, crankbait casting, bait casting, casting tips, casting tip, crankbait, fishing

Tip 3 - Guide Secrets To Selecting The Right Crankbait Color - Bomber

Published:  | Submitted by Opi X Evi L | permalink
Guide Secrets To Selecting The Right Crankbait Color - Bomber

When you open your crankbait box, you’re faced with a color selection that rivals a king-sized box of Crayons, Consult this crankbait color guide.

Tip 4 - How to Choose The Right Crankbait

Published:  | Submitted by David Grove | permalink
How to Choose The Right Crankbait

Throwing crankbaits is one of the most effective ways to catch bass throughout the year. They catch numbers of bass, they catch big bass, and they do it under almost any conditions. Their effectiveness is…

Tip 5 - How to choose the right crankbait colors when bass fishing - Fishing by Boys' Life

Published:  | Submitted by Souvec | permalink
How to choose the right crankbait colors when bass fishing - Fishing by Boys' Life

With hundreds of crankbait lure colors to choose from, picking the right color for bass fishing can be hard. Fishing pro Tom Redington has tips for choosing the right crankbait colors for various conditions.

Tip 6 - Crankbait Buyer's Guide

Published:  | Submitted by Pekka Paavolainen | permalink
Crankbait Buyer's Guide

Take the guesswork out of crankbaits by learning some of the basic traits and uses of these fantastic fish catchers.
Tags: crankbait, buying guide, about

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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