How to Configure the Minimum Password Length Setting in Windows XP

How to Configure the Minimum Password Length Setting in Windows XP – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Configure the Minimum Password Length Setting in Windows XP. This topic was created by Hans payer and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Change password policy settings - Windows Help

Published:  | Submitted by Orna Gilad | permalink
Change password policy settings - Windows Help

Learn how to change the security policies that control what kind of password you use and how often you have to change it.

Tip 2 - Set the Minimum Password Length at Registry Guide for Windows

Published:  | Submitted by Barbara Black | permalink

You can force Windows to reject passwords that do not meet a minimum password length. Useful to help stop people from using trivial passwords where security is an issue.
Tags: windows registry, regedit, system registry, regedt32, regedit.exe, window, microsoft windows, windows 98, windows nt, windows 2000, windows xp, windows 95, windows ce, windows me, pocket pc, millennium, edition, 2k, winme, win2k, win32, x-box, xbox, tweaks, hacks, tweaking, hacking, cable modem, dsl, adsl, xdsl, modem, broadband, speed tweaks, guide, tutorials, edit, editor, editing, troubleshooting, troubleshoot, restoring, restore, backup, error, fault, incorrect, hacks, secret, programming, command line, policy editor, inf file, cleaner, checker, corrupt, tutorial, help, faq, support, clean, tool, repair, deleting, settings, batch, computer, pc, internet, speed

Tip 3 - Local Security Policy in Windows

Published:  | Submitted by Mariusz Woloszyn | permalink
Local Security Policy in Windows

How to change most important Local Security Policy settings in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1
Tags:,, winhelpus, win help us, winxp, win xp, wxp, winvista, win vista, wvista, win7, win 7, w7, win8, win 8, w8, win8.1, win 8.1, w8.1, best, discover, completely free, no cost, absolutely free, about, getting started, beginners guide, overview, quick look, what is, how to, how do i, how do they, how do you, how do u, how can i, how can you, how can u, how can they, find out, learn, study, teach, software, programs, applications, apps, resources, learning, teaching, online, free step by step guides, free step by step instructions, free tutorials, microsoft, windows xp, windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, essential administration, security, local security policy, secpol.msc, gpedit.msc, local group policy edit, console, audit, password policy, password history, password age, password requirements, password complexity, account lockout policy, lockout duration, lockout threshold, audit policy, reload security settings, enforce password history, maximum password age, minimum password age, minimum password length, password must meet complexity requirements, store password using reversible encryption, account lockout duration, account lockout threshold, reset account lockout counter after, audit account logon events, audit account management, audit directory service access, audit logon events, audit object access, audit policy change, audit privilege use, audit process tracking, audit system events, accounts: limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only, network access: allow anonymous sid/name translation, network access: do not allow anonymous enumeration of sam accounts and shares, network security: do not store lan manager hash value on next password change, network security: lan manager authentication level, best practices local security policy windows, things to know about local security policy windows, top settings local security policy windows, best configuration local security policy windows, most important settings in local security policy windows

Tip 4 - Setting password complexity

Published:  | Submitted by Cynthia Neuwalder | permalink
Setting password complexity

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?) I want to create a password complexity policy that requires use

Tip 5 - Are there registry settings for Password Policies on Windows 2008?

Published:  | Submitted by Leonardo Su 00e 1 | permalink
Are there registry settings for Password Policies on Windows 2008?

I need to automatically set the following local password policies on a number of standalone Windows 2008 Server machines: Maximum password Age Minimum password Length Password must meet minimum

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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