How to Connect My Laptop to My Pioneer Car CD Player

How to Connect My Laptop to My Pioneer Car CD Player – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Connect My Laptop to My Pioneer Car CD Player. This topic was created by Gerry Noij and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - DEH-X6500BT - CD Receiver with MIXTRAX™, Bluetooth®, USB Control for iPod®/iPhone®, and Pandora® Ready

Published:  | Submitted by Christian Redl | permalink
DEH-X6500BT - CD Receiver with MIXTRAX™, Bluetooth®, USB Control for iPod®/iPhone®, and Pandora® Ready

CD Receiver with MIXTRAX™, Bluetooth®, USB Control for iPod®/iPhone®, and Pandora® Ready

Tip 2 - How to Connect a Laptop to My Car's Computer | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by ROSANNA CORBIN | permalink
How to Connect a Laptop to My Car's Computer | eHow

All cars have a built-in computer system. This system is used to monitor how the vehicle is performing, from acceleration to the length of time it takes to brake. It is actually possible to access the computer via a laptop; you just need to convert the car's equipment to your computer. This is done via the OBD II connection port on the car. This...

Tip 3 - Bluetooth problems connecting with Pioneer car stereo

Published:  | Submitted by wvannus | permalink
Bluetooth problems connecting with Pioneer car stereo

I've never had any problems connecting my LG Optimus V with any Bluetooth headsets or my MacBook Pro laptop. Today, I ran into a problem connecting...

Tip 4 - MP3 player input for car stereo.

Published:  | Submitted by Wim Jagtenberg | permalink
MP3 player input for car stereo.

This instructable was inspired by so thank you aka_bigred w...

Tip 5 - MP3's on External Hard Drive in Car?

Published:  | Submitted by Bill Walter | permalink
MP3's on External Hard Drive in Car?

I have an LG 120GB external hard drive. I want to know is there any way to play the MP3's on it in my car. Are there any adapters, cd players, anything that will allow me to do it short of putting a

Tip 6 - Car Tech's guide to using your Android phone in the car - CNET

Published:  | Submitted by Josie | permalink
Car Tech's guide to using your Android phone in the car - CNET

Looking for tips on safely using your Android phone with your car's stereo? CNET has you covered.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

1.9k+ Reads
4 Tips
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