Tip - How to Control English Ivy | Today's Homeowner

Published  | Submitted by Nikki Shone
How to Control English Ivy | Today's Homeowner

How do you control English ivy? It is taking over my back yard, and herbicides don't seem to have any effect! -John English Ivy (Hedera helix) can be very aggressive if not kept under strict control! Unfortunately, its thick, waxy leaves make it somewhat resistant to regular sprayed herbicides, so gardeners have to get creative (and more than a little dirty) in order to tackle it. Here are some tips: Unpleasant as it may be, your defense is a good ground attack. Pull as much as you can by hand, and remove or cut any stems growing up trees or structures. Pulling ivy is messy and hard work, but it goes pretty quickly. As you're pulling, don't leave behind any little sprouts! Completely clear the ground, particularly in a large circle around trees, shrubs, and structures. Remember that your ivy will grow vigorously after it's cut – you may want to remove it all, rather than just containing it. Ivy is not a parasitic plant, although it can take root as it creeps along the ground. As you
Tags: ask julie answers,diseases & pests,lawn & garden

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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