Celebrate Independence Day (and a successful hog hunt) with a backyard feast. If there’s ever a time to go whole hog—in every sense—it’s Uncle Sam’s birthday. Cooking a whole pig (in this case, a 75- to 125-pounder, butterflied and with hair removed) in a backyard pit puts the neighborhood on notice: You’re taking the party to a new level. Come hungry, y’all, and bring your friends. This D.I.Y. cooker goes up, and breaks down, in an hour tops. Check local laws about open fires in town limits, but many larger cities allow open flames as long as you’re cooking. And, brother, you will be cooking! Tags: hunting, Big Game Hunting, Butchering & Cooking Big Game, hunting hogs, hog hunting, food, cooking, hogs, how to, nickens
Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago
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