How to Cook in Lidless Clay Pots

How to Cook in Lidless Clay Pots – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Cook in Lidless Clay Pots. This topic was created by maurice forbes and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Slow Burn |

Published:  | Submitted by mrangrybear | permalink
Slow Burn |

Read Slow Burn - Explore the traditional long-cooked dishes of Morocco

Tip 2 - Earthenware Curry Pot on Bamboo Stand - 25cm

Published:  | Submitted by Onigiri | permalink
Earthenware Curry Pot on Bamboo Stand - 25cm

<p>This authentic earthenware lidless curry pot comes with it own bamboo trivet stand. Made by the Sasak people of Lombok using only local red clay without application of any chemicals. The beautiful colourings are achieved using only natural materials such as dried rice and coconut husks during a low temperature firing process. These wares are food safe and heat resistant (NZ Dep Scientific and Industrial Research, cert. No SK2168-CD75&#x2F;210).</p> <p>The pot will develop an intrinsic cooking patina which acts as sealant creating the perfect surface for slow cooking. Clay is a porous material which, when saturated with water and heated in the oven, provides slow evaporation of steam. This creates a moist enclosed environment that results in increased flavour, very tender meats and nutrient rich foods. Detailed use and care instructions included with every dish.</p> <p>The dish can be placed over a low flame with diffuser, in the microwave or oven without danger of cracking. Before use soak the pottery in water, wash by hand and allow to air dry. Season pot by placing in a moderate oven (175 degrees Celsius) for 5 min, coat generously with cooking oil, heat for a further 15-20 min before allowing to cool completely. Your pot is now ready to use and easy to clean. To keep the distinctive lustre simply hand wash with a mix of water and vinegar ( 1cup:1tsp). Do not place hot pot on cold surface or fill with cold water.</p> <p>Earthenware</p> <p>31 x 25 x 13cm</p>

Tip 3 - VitaClay Chef Gourmet Rice & Slow Cooker Pro VM7900-8

Published:  | Submitted by Aline Goued | permalink
VitaClay Chef Gourmet Rice & Slow Cooker Pro VM7900-8

Check out the deal on VitaClay Chef Gourmet Rice & Slow Cooker Pro VM7900-8 at Ultimate Nourishment - Discount Prices Free Shipping

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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