How to Create BitTorrent Files

How to Create BitTorrent Files – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Create BitTorrent Files. This topic was created by Gilbert Coleman and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Create a Torrent

Published:  | Submitted by karl moraski | permalink
How to Create a Torrent

If you've ever wondered how to create a torrent, you've come to the right place. This article will explain how to create a torrent and use it to upload whatever you want to people all over the world! If you do not know what BitTorrent is...
Tags: WikiHow, Create a Torrent, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 2 - How to create a torrent? | TorrentFreak

Published:  | Submitted by Surfingsrq | permalink
How to create a torrent? | TorrentFreak

Torrents are great, they are the best way to share large files with your friends, or even with people you don't know at all. But surprisingly enough, not many people create torrents when they need to share something. I have "a lot of" friends who know how to download torrents, but when they need to send me their latest 200MB vacation picture collection, they ask me to "get on msn".

Tip 3 - How to Share Your Own Files Using BitTorrent

Published:  | Submitted by Judith Pomper | permalink
How to Share Your Own Files Using BitTorrent

Most of us are comfortable using BitTorrent to download files, but the popular file-sharing protocol is also a great tool for sharing your own stuff with family, friends, or the world at large. Here's the basics of creating your own torrent.
Tags: UltraNewb, BitTorrent, Feature, Downloads, File Sharing, P2P, peer to peer, utorrent, Top, Lifehacker

Tip 4 - How to Create a Torrent File

Published:  | Submitted by Dennis Shute | permalink
How to Create a Torrent File

What do you think of when you hear the word “BitTorrent”? For a lot of people, the word connotes illegal activities. But if you ever need to lawfully host a large file for others to download and don’t have the bandwidth to let them download it directly, BitTorrent—which reduces the strain on your own hosting by allowing users to help upload the file at the same time as they download it—is a great way to distribute it. Here’s how you can create your own BitTorrent file.

Tip 5 - Vuze 101 - How To Create A Torrent File - The Vuze Blog

Published:  | Submitted by KIDCUDI | permalink
Vuze 101 - How To Create A Torrent File - The Vuze Blog

Wondering how to create a torrent file on Vuze? After reading this brief walkthrough you’ll be on your way to creating your own original torrents in no time.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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