How to Create Webinars that Generate Leads and Convert

Seeing as how important a role Webinars can play in lead generation and conversion, we have a compiled a few useful tips from industry experts. The tips here will help you host better, more successful webinars which will not only give value to your audience but also generate leads which are converted.

Tip 1 - Gini Dietrich: Generate Leads through Content

Published:  | Submitted by William | permalink
Gini Dietrich: Generate Leads through Content

The very best way, particularly for business-to-business organizations, to generate leads is through content. Think about content with two perspectives: Free and paid. The paid doesn’t necessarily mean money is going to exchange hands. Rather, they’re giving you something in exchange for your content. Something such as an email address or phone number. 


Let’s say you want to have a monthly webinar that you’ll host for free, but people have to register to attend. This is both a free and paid model. They are paying you with their email address, which means they have given you permission to market to them.


But how will you generate leads with one webinar? This is the fun part! You get to use traditional and new tactics to gain registrations. You’ll use media relations, email marketing, social media, direct mail, content, and advertising. In some cases, you’ll be marketing the webinar to people you already know, but they could be prospects who haven’t made a decision to work with you, former clients, or someone new entirely.


Read more by Gini Dietrich in her book Spin Sucks.

Tip 2 - Michael Reynolds: Present with Passion

Published:  | Submitted by Travis | permalink
Michael Reynolds: Present with Passion

Present with passion. 


I'm sure we've all attended webinars in which the presenter drones on and on with no inflection and basically sounds like a robot. Just because you're talking to a screen and cannot see your audience does not give you license to be boring. Speak as if you're explaining the concepts to your best friend over dinner. Be natural and authentic. Have fun.


Read more by Michael Reynolds following the link below.

Tip 3 - Focus on Storyboarding

Published:  | Submitted by Hector | permalink

Storyboarding is essential to create a webinar which impacts your audience by presenting an organized and moving story. Think of it as coming up with a story for a movie, where the idea is clear but the story is what gives meaning to it.

Tip 4 - Establish a Compelling & Actionable Topic

Published:  | Submitted by Hasan Shirazi | permalink

Collect feedback to find out what really your potential customers are interested in so that you shall be able to deliver according to their expectations. Keep in mind that you need to make sure the moment your potential customers leave along with the advices your solution should be the first option that shall come to their mind for solving their problems.

Tip 5 - Shoot a one minute video to let people know what they will learn in the Webinar

Published:  | Submitted by Social Wave | permalink

Promote the video on social network, paid advertisements or get your social connections especially bloggers to help you promote your video with a blog post that shall explain the benefits of attending the webinar you are hosting.

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Category: Business & Finance | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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