How to Create a Digital Scrapbook Page Using

How to Create a Digital Scrapbook Page Using – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Create a Digital Scrapbook Page Using This topic was created by Jeffrey Hoover and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Digital Scrapbooking Software - My Experience

Published:  | Submitted by Rajveer Singh | permalink
Digital Scrapbooking Software - My Experience

Which one to use? It takes some “soul searching” to find the right digital scrapbooking software that suits you. Just kidding. But if you’re all confused about the many digital scrapbooking programs, or you just want some suggestions on some…Read more →

Tip 2 - How to Create a Digital Scrapbook | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Frank Mollo | permalink
How to Create a Digital Scrapbook | eHow

Scrapbook supplies can become costly over time, but you can still savor those memories--and share them with more people--by making a digital scrapbook. Among the perks of making digital scrapbooks: they are much easier to share with loved ones via email or websites, they are cheaper to make and you're saving a tree. You also have much more freedom...

Tip 3 -

Published:  | Submitted by Peggy Oliver | permalink

Explore Angela Fisher's board "" on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas

Tip 4 - Paint.NET Resources and Tutorials

Published:  | Submitted by Cheryl Basinger | permalink
Paint.NET Resources and Tutorials

Paint.NET is a free photo editor for Windows which features layers, blending modes, special effects, unlimited undo history, and a number of image adjustments and filter effects. Besides the standard pixel-based painting and selection tools, Paint.NET also includes easy to use tools for drawing shapes and lines, a text tool, a clone stamp, and a recolor tool. Here you can find links to tutorials and other resources for the Paint.NET user community.
Tags: Paint.NET tutorials lessons resources tips features help instructions free photo editor paint net techniques

Tip 5 - How to Create a Greeting Card in Paint.NET

Published:  | Submitted by John Mac Arthur | permalink
How to Create a Greeting Card in Paint.NET

This tutorial shows how you can produce a double-sided greeting card in Paint.NET using your own digital photos.
Tags: greeting card paintdotnet greeting cards christmas holiday diy personalized card photo card

Tip 6 - Digital Scrapbook Checklist: Everything You Need to Get Started - TopTenREVIEWS

Published:  | Submitted by damikeh | permalink
Digital Scrapbook Checklist: Everything You Need to Get Started - TopTenREVIEWS

Learn what you need to get started as a digital scrapbooker.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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