How to Create a Garden Border

How to Create a Garden Border – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Create a Garden Border. This topic was created by Knightdemon and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Add a Border to a Garden

Published:  | Submitted by Teddy Stephens | permalink
How to Add a Border to a Garden

A garden border is anything that separates two distinct areas. experts show how to create one.

Tip 2 - Create a New Garden Border

Published:  | Submitted by Patrick Augustine | permalink
Create a New Garden Border

Get instructions for planting a bed of mixed perennials at

Tip 3 - Perfect Edges for Your Beds and Borders

Published:  | Submitted by Julio sato | permalink
Perfect Edges for Your Beds and Borders

Tip 4 - 20 garden border designs

Published:  | Submitted by Thomas Spellman | permalink
20 garden border designs

See how to use foliage and flowers to soften a wall, accent a lawn, or fringe a path

Tip 5 - On the Edge: 16 Garden Borders You Can Make

Published:  | Submitted by Adamazing | permalink
On the Edge: 16 Garden Borders You Can Make

No newly cut garden bed is complete without some edging to distinguish it from the rest of your yard. Installing landscape edging is an easy DIY project that makes a major impact on the aesthetics of your outdoor space. There are a great variety of edging materials to choose from: metal, stone, brick, plastic, concrete, or wood. You can purchase something at a big box store, or special order your materials if you want to buy your edging. Or, you can save some money and make your own landscape edging with any number of recycled and found materials— glass bottles, steel pipes, clam shells, and even dinner plates. A creative DIY edging can help infuse your garden with a unique sense of style that reflects your personality. Here are some terrific and inventive garden edging ideas to get you started.

Tip 6 - 8 Steps to a New Garden

Published:  | Submitted by Alan Randel | permalink
8 Steps to a New Garden

Here are the steps to building a new bed or border from scratch.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

1.9k+ Reads
6 Tips
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