How to Create a Smart Mailbox of Unread Mail in Mac OS X Leopard

How to Create a Smart Mailbox of Unread Mail in Mac OS X Leopard – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Create a Smart Mailbox of Unread Mail in Mac OS X Leopard. This topic was created by Peter van Hoorn and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Create a Smart Mailbox of Unread Mail in Mac OS X Leopard | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Steve Shanck | permalink
How to Create a Smart Mailbox of Unread Mail in Mac OS X Leopard | eHow

Using Mac OS X Mail to create a Smart Mailbox that keeps track of all of your unread email is a time-saver and a shortcut to digging through your daily incoming email. The unread Smart Mailbox is especially handy if you receive a lot of email or need a quick overview of your new email. Learn how to create a Smart Mailbox of unread mail in Mac OS X...

Tip 2 - Is there a Mail plugin to let me view unread emails first?

Published:  | Submitted by Wyndi Mahlerstein | permalink
Is there a Mail plugin to let me view unread emails first?

Similar to Gmail priority inbox, is there a Mail 6.3 (OSX Mountain Lion) plugin that lets me view unread messages first or sort them so they're at top of inbox?

Tip 3 - Five Essential Smart Mailboxes For Apple Mail [Mac]

Published:  | Submitted by arobinson | permalink
Five Essential Smart Mailboxes For Apple Mail [Mac]

Next to haggling with dozens of web browsing pages scattered all over my desktops, managing several dozen emails per day used to be the bane of my computer-using life. But not much anymore after I started using Smart Mailboxes in Apple's Mail. Smart Mailboxes work like smart albums in iTunes. They manage files according to…

Tip 4 - How to use Smart Mailboxes in Apple Mail

Published:  | Submitted by Sunflower | permalink
How to use Smart Mailboxes in Apple Mail

Smart Mailboxes gather messages together on your behalf. Graham McKay show you how they work. And he includes a Tip for combining 'any' and 'all' criteria.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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