How to Cry Naturally During a Performance

I am a theatre performer and have a couple of small shows every month. Currently I am working on improving my acting skills but crying naturally during a performance is difficult for me. If there are any actors out there, can I get some tips on how you cry or how you get in an emotional mode during your performances?

Tip 1 - Feel the Character You are Playing

Published:  | Submitted by Dean | permalink

If you want to cry naturally you must identify with the character you are playing. Only if you invest in the characters emotions and feeling will you be able to naturally cry during a performance.

Tip 2 - Imagine things which make you sad, like the loss of a friend or relative.

Published:  | Submitted by Elsa | permalink

I am not a professional actor but I have had my share of plays and performances. The one technique I've seen a lot of actors use is thinking of something sad from their lives when delivering a scene which requires emotion and tears. You will obviously need to practice it, but it will be effective.

Tip 3 - email list for sale

Published:  | Submitted by latestdatabase 5 | permalink
email list for sale

Using the click of a mouse one can purchase a assortment of diversegoods. This has offered rise to on-line marketing. There is certainlya tremendousmarket placeon line waiting to become tapped. You will findquite a fewmethods to tap this market. One particularcheap and effectiveway ofdoingthat isby bulk email lists.


For further reading: [3]

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Category: Arts & Entertainment | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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