How to Cut Back on Caffeine

How to Cut Back on Caffeine – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Cut Back on Caffeine. This topic was created by racer 811 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 9 Ways to Kick the Coffee Habit

Published:  | Submitted by Sommar 09 | permalink
9 Ways to Kick the Coffee Habit

Giving up caffeine will help acid reflux as well as sleeplessness and anxiety. But it can also make you cranky, tired, and give you headaches. Here are some simple tips to help you kick the habit.
Tags: coffee and heartburn, coffee and GERD, how to give up coffee, how to kick coffee habit

Tip 2 - Easy Ways to Reduce Caffeine Intake

Published:  | Submitted by STEWART TOWNSEND | permalink

Strategies include gradually cutting back, sipping on espresso shots, and finding fun substitutes.
Tags: LTHealth,healthwellness,food and drink,caffeine,DietsHP,Angela Haupt,money,health

Tip 3 - How to Cut Back on Caffeine & Drink More Water

Published:  | Submitted by Smuggled Spoons | permalink
How to Cut Back on Caffeine & Drink More Water

Caffeine is a stimulant and the most commonly consumed drug in the world. If you consume more than 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine daily – the amount in two to four cups of coffee ...

Tip 4 - How to Kick Your Caffeine Addiction and Actually Enjoy Your Coffee Again

Published:  | Submitted by Arya Damle | permalink
How to Kick Your Caffeine Addiction and Actually Enjoy Your Coffee Again

Caffeine can be a great pick-me-up, but it can also be really scary. Like most things, it's great in moderation, but when you get to the point of needing that morning cup like the air your breathe, it's time to admit you have a problem. Here's how to kick your caffeine addiction without feeling like crap in the process. What Caffeine Actually Does to Your Brain What Caffeine Actually Does to Your Brain What Caffeine Actually Does to Your Brain For all of its wild popularity, caffeine is one seriously misunderstood substance. It's not a… Read more Read more
Tags: Caffeine, Habits, Addiction, Health, Nutrition, Coffee, Tea, Soda, Drinks, Food, Lifestyle, wellness, Feature, Top, Lifehacker

Tip 5 - 3 easy ways to cut down on caffeine (without going into withdrawal) - Catherine Saxelby's Foodwatch

Published:  | Submitted by Marcos Prist | permalink
3 easy ways to cut down on caffeine (without going into withdrawal)  - Catherine Saxelby's Foodwatch

Looking to lose weight, gain energy, improve your health or find quick, simple and tasty recipes? Catherine Saxelby's Foodwatch has it all
Tags: Healthy, Healthy eating, healthy recipes, healthy foods, healthy snacks, healthy weight loss, healthy eating plan, healthy diet, healthy living, Eating healthy, eating for health, Eating for energy , Nutrition, Nutrition facts, Vitality, Recipes, free recipes, Food additives, Food label, food labelling, healthy weight loss, safe weight loss, sensible weight loss, Super foods, Vitamins, vitamins and minerals, Minerals, Antioxidants, Catherin Saxelby, Energy, Caffeine, Tiredness, Fatigue, Meal Planning, Menus, Fresh, Weight Loss

Tip 6 - 10 Ways to Start Your Day Without Caffeine

Published:  | Submitted by inan ozyildiz | permalink
10 Ways to Start Your Day Without Caffeine

Caffeine seems like a good way to stay alert, but it can cause sleep issues. Decrease caffeine consumption and improve sleep habits to truly feel rested.

Tip 7 - How to Cut Down on Coffee Consumption

Published:  | Submitted by Ian Petrovskis | permalink
How to Cut Down on Coffee Consumption

Drinking coffee is a daily fixation for many people across the world. Many people rely on the caffeine in coffee to wake them up in the morning, to keep them focused in the afternoon, and perhaps to allow for late-night work....
Tags: WikiHow, Cut Down on Coffee Consumption, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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