How to Cut Down on Your Monthly Spending Budget

How to Cut Down on Your Monthly Spending Budget – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Cut Down on Your Monthly Spending Budget. This topic was created by Marina Lasserre and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 40 Ways to Save Money on Monthly Expenses - The Simple Dollar

Published:  | Submitted by slowy | permalink

Hot water heaters account for about 14% of the average home's energy costs, and many people have theirs set higher than necessary, using extra energy. To s

Tip 2 - Lower Your Monthly Bills Checklist

Published:  | Submitted by Nathalie Dubois | permalink
Lower Your Monthly Bills Checklist

Some tips will be helpful reminders; other ideas will be new to you. Each tried-and-true strategy could save you $100 or more.    
Tags: monthly bills,cut monthly bills, lower monthly bills, utilities, taxes, save money, spend less, cable bill, internet bill, cell phone bill, health care costs, transportation costs

Tip 3 - 11 Expenses Destroying Your Budget

Published:  | Submitted by Max Dekker | permalink
11 Expenses Destroying Your Budget

These budget busters can do some damage.
Tags: dining out,save on transportation,destroying budget,save on medicine,store discounts,reduce heating bill,save on cable,gym membership,personal finance bloggers,Save on groceries,personal finance,personal budgets,savings,energy,transportation,food and drink,shopping,medicine,entertainment,smartphones,Stephanie Steinberg

Tip 4 - 30 Ways To Cut Your Monthly Expenses

Published:  | Submitted by turyza | permalink
30 Ways To Cut Your Monthly Expenses

Trying to save cash? Here are 30 simple and sure-fire ways to cut expenses on everyday items and free up your money for the things you truly want.

Tip 5 - Our Unemployment Budget: How We Cut Our Monthly Spending By $1,000

Published:  | Submitted by Cesare morelli | permalink
Our Unemployment Budget: How We Cut Our Monthly Spending By $1,000

When my husband was laid off from his job, 75% of our income disappeared. We had to start saving—and fast.
Tags: Careers,ForbesWoman,Insights,Personal Finance,Sports Leisure,Strategies Solutions,Sports & Leisure,Strategies & Solutions,budgeting,career,children,job,saving,spending

Tip 6 - Save $400/mo with these 98 Tips

Published:  | Submitted by Steve SLB 73 | permalink
Save $400/mo with these 98 Tips

Follow these great budget tips to save $400/mo in just minutes per day.
Tags: frugal living tips, cut your spending, cut your spending by $400 a month

Tip 7 - How to Reduce Expenses

Published:  | Submitted by Ann Curry | permalink
How to Reduce Expenses

A successful way to save money is to reduce expenses. There are many ways you can stretch your dollars and help avoid that "too much money at the end of the month" feeling. Some of these steps will take planning and investigation but they...
Tags: WikiHow, Reduce Expenses, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 8 - 10 Ways to Lower Your Monthly Expenses

Published:  | Submitted by Lynnette Kluver | permalink
10 Ways to Lower Your Monthly Expenses

Maximize savings for your household by cutting your monthly budget expenses. Saving money on those recurring monthly household expenses means that your savings happen every month. Cut your monthly budget with these 10 tips.

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

2.5k+ Reads
8 Tips
8 Votes
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