How to Deal With Step Parents

How to Deal With Step Parents – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Deal With Step Parents. This topic was created by Allan Baldi and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Stepparenting: 9 Dos and Don'ts

Published:  | Submitted by Rose Queiroz | permalink
Stepparenting: 9 Dos and Don'ts

WebMD interviews parenting experts about tips for stepparents.
Tags: step-parent, step-parenting, step-son, step-daughter, family, parenting, mother, father, mom, dad

Tip 2 - Avoiding step-parenting minefields

Published:  | Submitted by saleate | permalink
Avoiding step-parenting minefields

Becoming a step-parent can be a blessing... and a stress. Step-parents must avoid certain minefields to keep the relationship with the stepkids positive. Here are some don'ts of step-parenting.
Tags: step-parenting, stepmother, stepchildren, stepkids, relationships

Tip 3 - How to Deal with Step Parents and Step Siblings

Published:  | Submitted by Maria Isabel Peredo | permalink
How to Deal with Step Parents and Step Siblings

Maybe your parent(s) have been divorced and are now planning on marrying different people, this can add a lot of stress to your life, here are some simple ways to make this transition easier on everyone. Be willing to share. If your new...
Tags: WikiHow, Deal with Step Parents and Step Siblings, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 4 - The Do's and Don'ts of Stepparent Discipline

Published:  | Submitted by Maureen Singleton | permalink
The Do's and Don'ts of Stepparent Discipline

If you're a new stepparent, read our expert-approved rules for correcting the kiddos.

Tip 5 - Parents and Step-Parents: Where Is the Boundary Line?

Published:  | Submitted by Joel Potter | permalink
Parents and Step-Parents: Where Is the Boundary Line?

As both a mother whose children have a step-mom and as a step-mom myself, I honestly have no idea where this supposed line is. It changes completely depending on the parent and I am pretty sure I have unknowingly crossed that line as both a mother and a step-mother.
Tags: parents, and, step-parents:, where, is, the, boundary, line?, divorce

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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