How to Deal With Stressful Relatives

How to Deal With Stressful Relatives – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Deal With Stressful Relatives. This topic was created by Stephen Brammer and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in Relationships

Published:  | Submitted by Elaine Kirk | permalink
8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in Relationships

While dealing with difficult people and eliminating conflict can reduce stress and even improve your health, it's never easy. What to do? These tips on dealing with difficult people can help keep conflict at bay and reduce your stress level.

Tip 2 - How to Deal with Family Members that Stress You Out or Drive You Crazy

Published:  | Submitted by Clint Murphy | permalink
How to Deal with Family Members that Stress You Out or Drive You Crazy

The trouble with the holiday season is that you have to go home and visit with family, family that can often drive you crazy and stress you out. While there's no way to completely escape those cringe-worthy and awkward situations, there are ways you can deal with them more effectively.
Tags: Stress, Holidays, Family, Relationships, Communication, Thanksgiving, Conversation, Awkward, Health, Relax, Social, Social Events, Social Engineering, Lifehacker

Tip 3 - Tips To Reduce Family Stress

Published:  | Submitted by Celinha Barboza | permalink
Tips To Reduce Family Stress

Stress caused by those close to you is hard to escape. As they say, “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” Children, elderly parents, and visiting relatives all can be sources of stress. Parenting Stress Children...
Tags: relatives,parenting,lifepositive

Tip 4 - 5 High-Stress Family Situations & How to Deal with Them

Published:  | Submitted by Jim Sahm | permalink
5 High-Stress Family Situations & How to Deal with Them

During times of stress, our personal coping resources, and consequently our parenting skills, may need a boost — or a break. A separation or divorce, an illness or death, moving, or even a financial issue like a home foreclosure can result in a...
Tags: anxiety,child,childhood,mental health advocacy,parent,parenting,self care,stress

Tip 5 - 6 Ways To Deal With Difficult Family Members During The Holidays

Published:  | Submitted by Jamian Probber | permalink
6 Ways To Deal With Difficult Family Members During The Holidays

George Burns once said: "Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city." So that would explain why the holidays are so stressful.
Tags: holiday, stress:, 6, ways, to, deal, with, difficult, family, members, during, the, holidays, healthy, living

Tip 6 - Home for the Holidays: Tips for Stress

Published:  | Submitted by kernelgr | permalink
Home for the Holidays: Tips for Stress

For many, the biggest source of holiday stress is family -- the family dinner, the obligations, and the burden of family tradition. WebMD offers tips on ways to prepare yourself and cope better with family obligations and holidays this season.
Tags: holiday stress, holiday anxiety, depression

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

6.7k+ Reads
6 Tips
7 Votes
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