How to Deal With a Pokemon Addict

How to Deal With a Pokemon Addict – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Deal With a Pokemon Addict. This topic was created by Robbie Young and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Deal With a Pokemon Addict | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by grongi | permalink
How to Deal With a Pokemon Addict | eHow

As every parent knows, once a boy hits the age of six or seven, he's likely to become hooked on Pokemon-those adorable Japanese trading cards featuring imaginatively named critters (for some reason, girls seem to be largely immune to this phenomenon). Since a full-fledged Pokemon jones can drain your bank account faster than an adjustable-rate...

Tip 2 - COPING; Who's Afraid of the Pokemon Monster?

Published:  | Submitted by Phillip Assis | permalink
COPING; Who's Afraid of the Pokemon Monster?

IF you know where to look you soon realize they are everywhere, from backpacks in the Bronx to back pockets in Queens. Magmar. Drowzee. Tangela. Pikachu. As most parents of kids between 5 and 13 know, Pokemon cards are the latest fad of the playground set, which trades, collects and sells them in an obsessive frenzy. The cards, from Japan (the name is derived from the Japanese term for ''pocket monster''), are the size of baseball cards and carry images of more than 100 creatures and descriptions of their special powers.

Tip 3 - Is Pokémon Addictive?

Published:  | Submitted by kellerfreeker | permalink
Is Pokémon Addictive?

The video game version of Pokémon may be an example of a technological addiction.

Tip 4 - Pokemon Addicts Anonymous

Published:  | Submitted by Youni | permalink
Pokemon Addicts Anonymous

Pokemon Addicts Anonymous. 2,966 likes · 14 talking about this. Don't be ashamed. You aren't alone 100- March 29, 2010 200- May 10, 2010 400- July 2014...

For further reading: [4]

Tip 5 - Five things to get you addicted to the new Pokemon X & Y games!

Published:  | Submitted by Steve Scroggs | permalink
Five things to get you addicted to the new Pokemon X & Y games!

Our resident game critic have five things he thinks will get you into the new Pokemon!

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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