How to Deal with Grumpy Old Men

How to Deal with Grumpy Old Men – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Deal with Grumpy Old Men. This topic was created by Jeff Ellis and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Irritable Male Syndrome | Grumpy Old Menopause on

Published:  | Submitted by Brian Lott | permalink
Irritable Male Syndrome | Grumpy Old Menopause on

Irritable Male Syndrome or becoming a Grumpy Although the book How Not to Murder Your Grumpy is a light-hearted take on this subject,  and is intended to raise awareness of this syndrome, men really can go through a period of time that some refer to as the male menopause (or 'Irritable Make Syndrome'). Obviously, it…

Tip 2 - The reasons behind Grumpy Old Man syndrome - The Spokesman-Review

Published:  | Submitted by Maureen Rabotin | permalink
The reasons behind Grumpy Old Man syndrome - The Spokesman-Review

I was walking my dog down the street, when a red-faced 60-something man pulled over and shouted, “Hey!” I stopped and turned.

Tip 3 - The Age At Which Men Officially Become Grumpy

Published:  | Submitted by Any Muench | permalink
The Age At Which Men Officially Become Grumpy

I was recently interviewed on BBC Radio 2 about grumpiness (much to the chagrin of my husband who believes he is far more qualified to discuss the subject). The presenter was curious to discover at what age men become grumpy and if grumpiness is confined to older men.
Tags: the, age, at, which, men, officially, become, grumpy, fifty

Tip 4 - Your Grumpy Old Man

Published:  | Submitted by a 51mot | permalink
Your Grumpy Old Man

If, like me, you have a grumpy old man lurking about at home, you need to act fast before he makes your thoughts drift towards murder. There are endless possibilities out there to keep someone who is suffering from 'irritable male syndrome' entertained.
Tags: your, grumpy, old, man, fifty

Tip 5 - Aging in Place With Grumpy Old Men

Published:  | Submitted by rojo 5q | permalink
Aging in Place With Grumpy Old Men

The Grumpy Old Man Syndrome (GOMS) Several years ago I gave a series of talks on the topic of “Possibility Aging” based on an experience with Geri-athlete Mavis Lindgren. Following each talk I’d get folks staying after to ask a question; and inevitably the last one in line was an angry old man not happy about something I said.

Tip 6 - “Get off my lawn!” Why some older men get so grouchy

Published:  | Submitted by Chris Rodde | permalink
“Get off my lawn!” Why some older men get so grouchy

Some call it “grumpy old man complex.” Other experts label it: “irritable male syndrome,” a spike in the outward crankiness of guys of a certain age. As more baby boomers hit 60  be ready for more grouchy outbursts, like a Donald Trump rant set to explode.
Tags: testosterone, Health

Tip 7 - The Grumpy Point: When A Man Turns 70

Published:  | Submitted by Carrie Bridgeman | permalink
The Grumpy Point: When A Man Turns 70

For many older men, life gets better and better — until it gets worse.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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