Tip - How to Disable the zoom feature on your Apple iPhone

Published  | Submitted by Clu 00e 1udia Vicente
How to Disable the zoom feature on your Apple iPhone

Zooming is a great function on the iPhone, if you like that sort of thing. If you don't like the ease of zoom, or maybe you're zooming when you really don't intend to, there's a way to stop it. You don't need the zoom. So how to you get rid of the zoom feature? With 3 little fingers! Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to disable the zoom feature on your Apple iPhone. Mike: "Hey, this is Mike from Best Buy Mobile in Bangor, Maine and today we're gonna talk about disabling the zoom feature on your iPhone. So, sometimes we have that feature turned on. When

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Posted: 9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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