How to Discipline an Adopted Child

How to Discipline an Adopted Child – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Discipline an Adopted Child. This topic was created by Brian Erickson and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Older Child Adoption: Discipline Tips that Work

Published:  | Submitted by Rocio Mateos | permalink
Older Child Adoption: Discipline Tips that Work

Traditional discipline techniques are designed for securely attached kids. Disciplining an adopted child — especially an older one — is very different.

Tip 2 - Child Discipline Techniques for Foster or Adopted Children

Published:  | Submitted by Anita Roney | permalink
Child Discipline Techniques for Foster or Adopted Children

Learn ways to discipline a child that is in foster care or been adopted from foster care.

Tip 3 - Adopted Children & Discipline

Published:  | Submitted by BIBLE BLACK | permalink
Adopted Children & Discipline

Some parents are hesitant to discipline the child they have adopted. However, one of your tasks as the parent is to help your child grow and mature by disciplining her and helping her adjust to the limits you set.

Tip 4 - How to Discipline an Adopted Child

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Newhaus | permalink
How to Discipline an Adopted Child

While time-outs are an effective and commonly used discipline tool for many securely attached children, they can be an ineffective and even dangerous technique for an adopted child who has suffered ...

Tip 5 - Discipline and the Adopted Child

Published:  | Submitted by margebdeespcifr | permalink

What parent hasn’t been in this situation, in a supermarket, the playground or at bedtime? You ask your child to do something and he says, “NO!” You insist more firmly and he continues to resist. Eventually, he throws himself on the floor and screams “I hate you!” And no amount of parental cajoling will get him to obey. Typical toddler behavior, right?
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Tip 6 - Healthy Discipline for Adopted Children

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Spicer | permalink
Healthy Discipline for Adopted Children

When you discipline your adopted child, you need to consider her chronological age as well as her emotional age.

Tip 7 - Disciplining Adopted Children

Published:  | Submitted by Parkin Lee | permalink
Disciplining Adopted Children

Understanding the reasons for your child's behavior and responses is important, but the truth is that some adoptive parents may never know the full extent of their child's underlying problems for a number of reasons.

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

21.3k+ Reads
7 Tips
8 Votes
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