How to Disinfect the Washers at a Laundromat

How to Disinfect the Washers at a Laundromat – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Disinfect the Washers at a Laundromat. This topic was created by Laurentine Doe and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Clean Kitchen Laundry in a Public Laundromat

Published:  | Submitted by Ravi Petillion | permalink
How to Clean Kitchen Laundry in a Public Laundromat

Dear Home-Ec 101, I love your website, your tips have been extremely helpful to me. I have a question, though, whose answer I couldn't find in your archives.

Tip 2 - Sanitizing the Washing Machine

Published:  | Submitted by Patricia Yost | permalink
Sanitizing the Washing Machine

Tip 3 - Disinfect A Contaminated Washer Before You Use It Again

Published:  | Submitted by luisavferreira | permalink
Disinfect A Contaminated Washer Before You Use It Again

How to Disinfect a Washer - Disinfect Washer After Flood or Contaminated Laundry

Tip 4 - How to Disinfect Laundry

Published:  | Submitted by Tyler James | permalink
How to Disinfect Laundry

Disinfecting laundry can be an important part of keeping it fresh and clean. If you need to disinfect laundry due to exposure to infectious agents and don't want to use bleach, try applying the following tips and adding a few common...
Tags: WikiHow, Disinfect Laundry, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 5 - Disinfect Laundromat Washing Machines

Published:  | Submitted by Zebius | permalink

To avoid getting germs from another family when using the laundromat washers, just wipe down the machine with Listerine mouthwash. Then add 1/2 cup of Listerine to the wash cycle. The Listerine disinfects the machine.

Tip 6 - Laundry Bacteria Could Be In Your 'Clean' Clothes

Published:  | Submitted by rips | permalink
Laundry Bacteria Could Be In Your 'Clean' Clothes

Gentle detergents and low-temperature cycles are found to increase the risk of laundry bacteria in your clean clothes.
Tags: medical daily,, health news, medical news, medical science, medicine, drugs, treatment, disease

Tip 7 - Tips For Using Communal Laundry Facilities

Published:  | Submitted by vicky laursen | permalink
Tips For Using Communal Laundry Facilities

In our apartment building there are 15 units with roughly 40 people in them. On the main floor there are 2 washers and 1 dryer for everyone to share. Needless to say, laundry is always running around our place (even at 6am, which we have found to be the best time to do ours!) and because of it, there are a few tricks and tips we have picked up to insure our laundry turns out clean and timely.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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