How to Do a Wrestler's Bridge

How to Do a Wrestler's Bridge – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Do a Wrestler's Bridge. This topic was created by Leandro Ortlibas and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 4 Drills to Strengthen and Injury-Proof Your Neck

Published:  | Submitted by Claus Gru 00f 8nlund | permalink
4 Drills to Strengthen and Injury-Proof Your Neck

Although football players and wrestlers need neck strength, it’s a wise thing to train for anyone, women and children included.
Tags: neck injury,neck strength,neck training,spine,strength,Strength & Conditioning

Tip 2 - Neck Training Fit For a Neanderthal - Anthony Mychal

Published:  | Submitted by Vivi Andersen | permalink
Neck Training Fit For a Neanderthal - Anthony Mychal

The neck is often under appreciated  There’s a saying: where the head goes, the body follows. This is especially true when you’re tricking, spinning, and twisting all over the place. A strong neck never hurts. It can make for safer tricking (if you ever fall on your neck, you’ll have some protective strength to save your …

Tip 3 - How Often Do Wrestlers Do Neck Bridges? |

Published:  | Submitted by Frans Helmond | permalink
How Often Do Wrestlers Do Neck Bridges? |

Wrestlers and their buddies in combat sports such as mixed martial arts work on neck bridges, a demanding exercise requiring that they know what they are doing to avoid injury. The frequency of their workouts can vary from once a week to daily, in fact. If you get started with neck bridges, you will gain essential protection from injury during your...

Tip 4 - 4 Uncommon Exercises for Building Strength, Power and Muscle - Bold and Determined

Published:  | Submitted by Bansi Jaising | permalink
4 Uncommon Exercises for Building Strength, Power and Muscle - Bold and Determined

These are four highly uncommon but ultra-effective exercises for developing some raw power, muscle and strength. I have never once seen anyone perform any of these exercises in any gym spanning two continents. Too bad for them and fortunate for you – these exercises will help you turn beastly. Wrestlers Bridge The wrestlers bridge is... [Read More...]

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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