How to Eat When One Can't Chew

How to Eat When One Can't Chew – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Eat When One Can't Chew. This topic was created by Osman Karrar and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What would you eat if you couldn't chew for a week?

Published:  | Submitted by Monique van der Linde | permalink

So of course, as soon as I start my food blog, I get a phone call: my tonsillectomy has been moved up from September 8th to this Wednesday (i.e. yesterday). Good for my health, but not so good for serious...

Tip 2 - Help for Eating Problems As You Get Older

Published:  | Submitted by Margit Lindstru 00f 8m | permalink
Help for Eating Problems As You Get Older

Difficulty chewing, dry mouth, upset stomach, and a declining sense of taste are common problems as people age. These tips may help you reduce eating problems and get the nutrition that people over 60 need.
Tags: eating problems, dry mouth, dental pain, stomach ache, upset stomach

Tip 3 - Help! What Are Some Foods I Can Eat Without Chewing? — Good Questions

Published:  | Submitted by Christopher Bertrand | permalink
Help! What Are Some Foods I Can Eat Without Chewing?  — Good Questions

Q: Help! I got into a bike accident recently and as a result have some chipped and cracked teeth. One needs an to be removed and replaced with an implant, but this isn't happening until a couple of days from now. I am a college student and spend my days on campus or at work. As much as I love yogurt, soup and smoothies, they are getting old (I'm on day 3 since the accident). Any other suggestions? My chewing ability is limited, though not completely gone. Thanks!!! Sent by Maris

Tip 4 - How to Eat when You Can't Chew

Published:  | Submitted by JANSSENS Jean - Marc | permalink
How to Eat when You Can't Chew

Root canal? Teeth pulled? Sore gums? Dental surgery? All the more reason you need lots of nutrients (and not lots of sugary drinks) to heal! Here's a recipe for a quick, nutritious soup that will get you through that tough no-chewing...
Tags: WikiHow, Eat when You Can't Chew, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 5 - Good "I can't chew" foods - General Topics - Chowhound

Published:  | Submitted by verificationist | permalink
Good "I can't chew" foods - General Topics - Chowhound

Page 1 of Good "I can't chew" foods - Poor Mr. Popkin. Guy with a hearty appetite is dealing with a bum tooth, and can't really chew. So far for dinner I'm making salisbury steak (usi

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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