How to Evaluate Your Chances for a Better Life

How to Evaluate Your Chances for a Better Life – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Evaluate Your Chances for a Better Life. This topic was created by Ines Cartagena and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 15 Easy Steps for Evaluating Your Life

Published:  | Submitted by Matt Keeton | permalink
15 Easy Steps for Evaluating Your Life

A guide to celbrating Evaluate Your Life day.
Tags: lists, life, humor, uncategorized, gifs, watercooler

Tip 2 - Evaluate Your Life Each Day with One Basic Question: Did Today Matter?

Published:  | Submitted by Isaac kabiru | permalink
Evaluate Your Life Each Day with One Basic Question: Did Today Matter?

It's easy to zone out and get trapped in the day-to-day mindset, but if you're really trying to take your life in a certain direction, you need to make progress. With a short, but sweet question you can help yourself maintain focus on moving forward.
Tags: goals, life, productivity, tasks, time management, work, job, career, projects, review, Lifehacker

Tip 3 - 10 Priorities You Should Re-Evaluate to Live a Happier Life - The Start of Happiness

Published:  | Submitted by Marcos Chomen | permalink
10 Priorities You Should Re-Evaluate to Live a Happier Life - The Start of Happiness

One of my biggest struggles in my day-to-day life is managing my priorities. And by that, I mean I take stuff wayyyy too seriously. Car bill due? I’m thinking about it all day. Carpet to vacuum? Also on my mental to-do list. Some people think that keeping these kinds of daily priorities in your mind [...]

Tip 4 - Evaluate Your Life Day

Published:  | Submitted by marta 1 | permalink
Evaluate Your Life Day

How's it going? Evaluate Your Life Day is a chance to get reflective, and consider how you're doing. How's your career? Your family life? Your relationships?...

Tip 5 - The Only Test You Need To Evaluate Your Life

Published:  | Submitted by phezzan | permalink
The Only Test You Need To Evaluate Your Life

If I take a picture of a flying bird, wait 5 minutes, and take another picture of the bird, what's going to happen? I'm probably not going to get the sec
Tags: evaluate your life, test life,

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

19.6k+ Reads
5 Tips
5 Votes
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