How to Explore Biological Therapy for Breast Cancer Treatment

How to Explore Biological Therapy for Breast Cancer Treatment – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Explore Biological Therapy for Breast Cancer Treatment. This topic was created by poornachander pendyala and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Targeted therapy for breast cancer

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Throssell | permalink

Targeted drugs like Herceptin or Avastin work differently on breast cancer than standard chemotherapy drugs. They often have different (and less severe) side effects.
Tags: Targeted therapy for breast cancer, Breast cancer treatment with targeted therapies, Herceptin, Avastin

Tip 2 - Treating Breast Cancer With Biological Therapy

Published:  | Submitted by drew hiduke | permalink
Treating Breast Cancer With Biological Therapy

WebMD looks at a treatment for breast cancer known as biological therapy, which uses the body's own immune system to act on cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unaffected.
Tags: breast cancer, treat, treatment, treating, biological therapy, herceptin, angiogenesis inhibitors, molecule, immune system, antibody, antibodies, Taxol, HER-2, Tykerb, signal transduction inhibitors, small-molecule, small molecules, taxane, taxanes

Tip 3 - Biologic Targeted Therapy for Breast Cancer: Johns Hopkins Breast Center

Published:  | Submitted by Pak A Bowl Blue Fox 420 | permalink

The Johns Hopkins Breast Center offers biologic targeted therapy for the treatment of breast cancer.
Tags: Breast cancer targeted biologic biological therapy drugs

Tip 4 - Treating Breast Cancer in the 21st Century: Emerging Biological Therapies

Published:  | Submitted by Preston Kauk | permalink
Treating Breast Cancer in the 21st Century: Emerging Biological Therapies

For many years, the medical treatment of breast cancer was reliant solely on cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, over the past twenty years, treatment has evolved to a more target-directed approach. We now employ tailored therapy based on the presence or ...

Tip 5 - Clinical trials update: endocrine and biological therapy combinations in the treatment of breast cancer

Published:  | Submitted by Cicha Woda | permalink
Clinical trials update: endocrine and biological therapy combinations in the treatment of breast cancer

A greater understanding of the biological mechanisms responsible for de novo and acquired endocrine resistance has led to the rational design of clinical trials exploring the benefit of combining hormonal therapies with novel biological agents in an effort ...

Tip 6 - Angiogenesis Inhibitors

Published:  | Submitted by Dick Marsh | permalink

A fact sheet that describes the process of eliminating the blood supply to tumors. Lists the cancers in which this approach is being tested.
Tags: angiogenesis,trials,blood,vessel,therapy,7.42,treatment,VEGF

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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