How to Find Bus Architecture on Your Computer

How to Find Bus Architecture on Your Computer – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Find Bus Architecture on Your Computer. This topic was created by Mark Lankford and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Find Bus Architecture on Your Computer | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Brad Pokorny | permalink
How to Find Bus Architecture on Your Computer | eHow

The bus architecture of your computer is the general setup of the computer buses (the paths along which data is transferred between hardware units). This information is readily available (and changeable) through the use of the BIOS, the low-level operating system that controls almost everything on your computer. While changing your bus architecture...

Tip 2 - Types of Buses in Computer Architecture

Published:  | Submitted by Emily Golden | permalink
Types of Buses in Computer  Architecture

A bus is a common pathway through which information is transmitted from one component to another. This pathway is used for communication and can be established between two or more computer components.

Tip 3 - Understanding your motherboard's bus system

Published:  | Submitted by Best One | permalink

Ever become confused about busses, bus speeds, and associated acronyms? In this Daily Drill Down, James McPherson gives an overview of current busses, including their definitions and specs. Use it as review, for learning, or to study for your A+ exam.

Tip 4 - Intro to Buses (Computer Architecture)

Published:  | Submitted by Ana Flora | permalink
Intro to Buses  (Computer Architecture)

BusesBy: Kyle Kowalski and MattLevandowski

Tip 5 - How Star, Bus, Ring & Mesh Topology Connect Computer Networks in Organizations - Video & Lesson Transcript |

Published:  | Submitted by Joe Duenas | permalink
How Star, Bus, Ring & Mesh Topology Connect Computer Networks in Organizations - Video & Lesson Transcript |

Computers in a network are connected in some logical manner, referred to as network topology or network architecture. Learn about the different...
Tags: How Star, Bus, Ring & Mesh Topology Connect Computer Networks in Organizations - Video & Lesson Transcript |

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

2k+ Reads
5 Tips
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