How to Find the Best Dorms at the University of Maryland

How to Find the Best Dorms at the University of Maryland – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Find the Best Dorms at the University of Maryland. This topic was created by John Crumrine and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - University of Maryland - College Park - Campus Housing

Published:  | Submitted by Trevor Bunker | permalink
University of Maryland - College Park - Campus Housing

In-depth student reviews of campus housing at Maryland. Students rank the best dorms, worst residence halls, and cost of room and board!
Tags: University of Maryland - College Park/ Maryland, reviews, campus housing, rankings, student reviews, dorms, cost, residence halls, room and board, University of Maryland - College Park/ Maryland, reviews, campus housing, rankings, student reviews, dorms, cost, residence halls, room and board, College Park, Maryland

Tip 2 - Best dorms on campus? • /r/UMD

Published:  | Submitted by Berry Batens | permalink
Best dorms on campus? • /r/UMD

I was curious as to which dorms you guys believe to be the nicest to live in generally. I know Prince Frederick's and Oakland are considered to...
Tags: reddit,, vote, comment, submit

Tip 3 - Department of Resident Life - University of Maryland, College Park

Published:  | Submitted by Denise Sisson | permalink
Department of Resident Life - University of Maryland, College Park

The Department of Resident Life is established to provide the basic housing services that are made available to resident students at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Tags: Department of Resident Life, University of Maryland, Housing, Residents, UMD, reslife umd, umd edu,

For further reading: [3]

Tip 4 - Residence Halls at a Glance

Published:  | Submitted by Armin Luginbu 00fchl | permalink
Residence Halls at a Glance

Resident Life offers a number of different housing options across all of our communities. Residents may live in traditional-style, suite-style, or apartment-style housing. In addition, students can choose from single gender housing (students live in rooms, floors, buildings, or apartments/suites with students of the same gender); mixed gender housing (students live in rooms with students of the same gender, but next door to students of a different gender); and gender inclusive housing (students, regardless of gender, share the same bedroom).
Tags: Residence Halls, Department of Resident Life, University of Maryland, Housing, Residents, UMD, reslife umd, umd edu,

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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