How to Fix Extend.Dat File in Outlook 2003

How to Fix Extend.Dat File in Outlook 2003 – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Fix Extend.Dat File in Outlook 2003. This topic was created by dan paruk and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Resetting dat-files -

Published:  | Submitted by Carlos Basualdo | permalink
Resetting dat-files -

I got the advise to reset some dat-files to solve my issue. Where can I find these and what do they do?
Tags: Microsoft, Outlook, Exchange, howto, how to, FAQ, add-ins, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002, XP, mail, e-mail, email, message

Tip 2 - Outlook repair steps for creating new extend.dat file

Published:  | Submitted by Jill Shilcock | permalink
Outlook repair steps for creating new extend.dat file

Outlook, as we all know, is the personal information manager for Microsoft users. These elements of the Office suite offers email communication, calendar management, task, contact management, journals and notepad. This is an all in one package for ...
Tags: outlook repair,extend.dat file

Tip 3 - How to Fix Extend.Dat File in Outlook 2003 | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Laura Dart | permalink
How to Fix Extend.Dat File in Outlook 2003 | eHow

Outlook is a personal information manager produced by Microsoft as part of the Office suite. It offers a center for email communication, a calendar, task and contact manager, notepad and journal. The extend.dat file allows Outlook to cache registry entries for third party add-ins, such as a contact-verifying program. Errors occur when something...

Tip 4 - Outlook doesn't start - HowTo-Outlook

Published:  | Submitted by Hannah Spresser | permalink
Outlook doesn't start - HowTo-Outlook

Having trouble opening Outlook or does it crash frequently? This guide is all about solving Outlook startup and instability issues.
Tags: Microsoft, Outlook, Exchange, howto, how to, FAQ, add-ins, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002, XP, mail, e-mail, email, message

Tip 5 - An extension failed to initialize. Can’t open file extend.dat

Published:  | Submitted by Alan Ewald | permalink

Today out of the blue, when loading office 2003 on an xp machine, an error message appeared with the text: "An extension failed to initialize. Can't open file: extend.dat. The file may not exist, you may not have permission to open it, or it may be open in another program. Right-click the folder that contains…
Tags: blogroll

Tip 6 - Find and Delete Extend.dat

Published:  | Submitted by Margaret Jung | permalink

When you receive and error that Outlook can't find and add-in, the usual cause is that you uninstalled it but Outlook didn't delete the file it uses to kee

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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