How to Format a Hard Drive on a Notebook Computer

How to Format a Hard Drive on a Notebook Computer – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Format a Hard Drive on a Notebook Computer. This topic was created by wwwpplware and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Format the Samsung Netbook's Hard Drive

Published:  | Submitted by Quentin Oerlemans | permalink
How to Format the Samsung Netbook's Hard Drive

Samsung netbooks feature built-in recovery software designed to restore the computer to a previous state. The software functions similar to Windows 7's System Restore, but rather than making minor ...

Tip 2 - How to Format a Hard Drive on an HP Laptop

Published:  | Submitted by Patricia Rydell | permalink
How to Format a Hard Drive on an HP Laptop

Wiping, or formatting, your HP laptop's hard drive will remove the operating system and all of the data from the device, allowing you to sell the computer without risk of having your data ...

Tip 3 - How to format a hard drive in Windows or from the BIOS

Published:  | Submitted by barbara schmell | permalink
How to format a hard drive in Windows or from the BIOS

There are many reasons why you might want to format a hard drive, including a clean installation of Windows, to get rid of a virus or malware or simply because you're giving the drive to someone else or throwing it away.Here, we'll explain all you need to know to get the job done properly.
Tags: format,hard drive,disk,hdd,partition,wipe,clean,clear,delete,files,secure,windows,pc,laptop,desktop-pc,laptop,storage

Tip 4 - How to Format a Laptop Hard Drive

Published:  | Submitted by Allen Childs | permalink
How to Format a Laptop Hard Drive

Formatting a hard drive is necessary after buying an extra or replacement drive or when a virus or bad file corrupts the drive in your computer. Formatting is needed for drives used by all computers, but this article will only tell you how...
Tags: WikiHow, Format a Laptop Hard Drive, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 5 - Can you format a netbook without a cd/dvd drive?

Published:  | Submitted by Jaime Gines | permalink
Can you format a netbook without a cd/dvd drive?

I want to format my netbook but it doesnt have a cd/dvd drive which means i cant boot it up from CD and install windows. Is the only other way to buy an edternal disc drive?

Tip 6 - Formatting my hard drive without a disc?

Published:  | Submitted by Jen Marzullo | permalink
Formatting my hard drive without a disc?

Just want to quickly say, im a noob, so a detailed answer with step by step instructions would be amazing! ________________________________________________________ Okay, so i have Local Drive ( C: ) and Local Drive ( D: ). I have 2 questions,   First, Can i format my laptop (HP PAVILLION dv9000), th...
Tags: HP Recovery manager, install, minimized, full, discs, create

Tip 7 - Can i format a laptop hard drive with my desktop

Published:  | Submitted by Frances Dlongolo | permalink
Can i format a laptop hard drive with my desktop

Hello, I need to format a Seagate Momentum 2.5 500 GB hard drive for use in my PS3. It has SATA connection and runs at 5400 RPM so compatability isn't an issue. However, it needs to be formatted

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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