How to Get Money From Renting a House in Fable

How to Get Money From Renting a House in Fable – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Get Money From Renting a House in Fable. This topic was created by Pat Barnett and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Real Estate

Published:  | Submitted by Marcin Klimasara | permalink

In the Fable series, you can buy Real Estate, such as homes and businesses, and gain income from them. Houses can be rented out, while businesses produce income from selling their wares. You can set the price for people to stay in the home, evict current residents, and add higher quality furniture to raise the value of the property. Most homes in Albion can be purchased and rented out, with the exception of some unique homes, such as the Brightwood Tower, Bowerstone Castle and the Cemetery...
Tags: The Fable Wiki,fable,Real Estate,Incomplete Articles,Albion,Brightwood Tower (Location),Bowerstone Castle,Cemetery Mansion,Villager,Bowerstone South,Oakvale,Knothole Glade,Bowerstone North

Tip 2 - Gold/Hints and Tips

Published:  | Submitted by Idolina Gonzalez | permalink
Gold/Hints and Tips

In the beginning, you get a quest from the Guildmaster to kill beetles. Do the quest, hero save, exit and play that save. Soon, you will have TONS of gold. Repeat until you have as much gold as you want. This work best on the Knothole Glade house --JonTheMon 18:19, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
Tags: The Fable Wiki,fable,Gold/Hints and Tips,Cleanup,Gold,Trophy,Renown,Oakvale,Bowerstone,Knothole Glade,Hook Coast,Tavern,Fable II

Tip 3 - How to Make Millions on Fable 3

Published:  | Submitted by Brian Cvancara | permalink
How to Make Millions on Fable 3

In this instructable I will teach you how to get loads of money quickly in Fable 3. This is my first instructable so be nice!

Tip 4 - In Fable 3, what is the rent/profit payoff time interval?

Published:  | Submitted by Joy Kane | permalink
In Fable 3, what is the rent/profit payoff time interval?

In Fable 2 i think it was every 5 minutes, regardless if the game was playing. Any idea what the interval for rent/profit payout is on Fable 3?

Tip 5 - Fable III: Is it possible to balance the real estate system to maximize rent and keep morality neutral?

Published:  | Submitted by felipe JIMENEZ | permalink
Fable III: Is it possible to balance the real estate system to maximize rent and keep morality neutral?

In Fable III, you can set the rent at Low (increases morality), Normal (morality unaffected), and High (decreases morality). That is obvious on a per property basis, but what I'm wondering if it's

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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