How to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes Without Plastic Surgery?

Home remedies for bags under eyes


They say that eyes are the windows of a person’s soul. But, if you have bags under your eyes or eyelid dermatitis or both, nobody will be able to look anywhere else.

Rather their attention will be drawn to the unsightly bags under your eyes.

Bags under eyes, are usually hard to remove unless you go for cosmetic surgery, which can be pretty expensive.

One short term solution is to cover them using foundation and other makeup.

But after you take the makeup off, those ugly bags will still stare at you from the mirror!

So, what is the solution apart from expensive cosmetic surgery? 

We have shortlisted some nifty home remedies for bags under eyes which will help you look younger in a jiffy.

  • Get proper sleep
  • Apply Cucumber on eyes
  • Use Egg White for eyes
  • Apply Cold Compress on eyes
  • Use chilled spoons


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