How to Get Rid of The Garlic Smell On Your Hands After Preparing Fresh Garlic

How to Get Rid of The Garlic Smell On Your Hands After Preparing Fresh Garlic – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Get Rid of The Garlic Smell On Your Hands After Preparing Fresh Garlic. This topic was created by Alex Dastmalchi and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Cook Garlic Without Smelling Like Garlic! - Dish by Dish

Published:  | Submitted by Slim Jim 112233 | permalink
How to Cook Garlic Without Smelling Like Garlic! - Dish by Dish

Ahh, garlic, garlic, garlic. I’m such a big fan of garlic but one thing I worry about (I bet all of you do too) is the garlic smell that is produced by garlic when I cook and use it in my recipes. I completely pledge my allegiance to garlic and it will always remain among... Read More »

Tip 2 - 3 Ways to Get Garlic Smell Off Your Hands

Published:  | Submitted by Dirk Beljaarts | permalink
3 Ways to Get Garlic Smell Off Your Hands

'Tis the season for smelly kitchen hands, right? It always seems that this time of year I find myself chopping away at clove after clove of garlic, or slaving at the cutting board as I attempt to slice onions "as thin as possible." The result, aside from teary eyes on the onion end, is that it seems like my hands always smell like garlic, onions, or something even funkier from about November onwards. Don't get me wrong: I love being in the kitchen, but I do not love the hand-smell.

Tip 3 - Good Question: How To Get Garlic Smell Off My Hands?

Published:  | Submitted by Shawn Key | permalink
Good Question: How To Get Garlic Smell Off My Hands?

Dear Kitchen, What is the best way to get the garlic smell off your fingers after chopping fresh garlic? I love the taste but have started to avoid it because it takes several days and a few showers to get it off of my hands for some reason. - Cass (To All Good Questions)

Tip 4 - Why Does Stainless Steel Erase Garlic's Smell?

Published:  | Submitted by Maria Fontaine | permalink

If you love cooking with garlic, you know it does a lot of good in recipes by helping build flavor -- but its strong odor can linger for hours, especially on our hands. We've all been in the situation
Tags: why, stainless, steel, erases, garlic's, aroma, taste

Tip 5 - How to Get Rid of the Smell of Garlic

Published:  | Submitted by hans radek | permalink
How to Get Rid of the Smell of Garlic

Love the taste of garlic, but hate the smell on your hands and breath? Here are some tips on how to remove the odor of garlic. After you are done handling the garlic (works for onions too) apply soap and use a clean spoon or butter knife...
Tags: WikiHow, Get Rid of the Smell of Garlic, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 6 - Removing Garlic Odor from Hands

Published:  | Submitted by Lawrence Carlton | permalink
Removing Garlic Odor from Hands

Heloise explains how to get rid of the garlic smell on hands.
Tags: heloise household helpline,odor,garlic,smell,hands,remove

Tip 7 - 10 Simple Kitchen Hacks That Can Remove & Prevent Lingering Food Smells on Your Hands

Published:  | Submitted by Pawcio | permalink
10 Simple Kitchen Hacks That Can Remove & Prevent Lingering Food Smells on Your Hands

Food can smell great before, during, and after cooking. A pot of stew simmering away on the stove will tantalize you all afternoon, and there's nothing better than the smell of fresh-baked cookies lingering in the house for hours. One place you don't want to smell food? On your hands. Chopping garlic, seafood, or any other strong-smelling food can leave you with the scent on your hands for hours, sometimes days afterwards. Personally, I love the smell of garlic, but I still don't want to smell like garlic. Luckily, there are quite a few household items that can prevent or solve this problem

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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