How to Get Rid of a Spare Tire

How to Get Rid of a Spare Tire – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Get Rid of a Spare Tire. This topic was created by Bill Steffen and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Beat the bloat: Get rid of that spare tyre... in just seven days

Published:  | Submitted by lgeis | permalink
Beat the bloat: Get rid of that spare tyre... in just seven days

Our easy but effective seven-day diet plan will help you lose up to 4 pounds in a week, so you look and feel great

Tip 2 - Healthy tips to get rid of your spare tire

Published:  | Submitted by Alex Musolino | permalink
Healthy tips to get rid of your spare tire

In TODAY's new series "6 Months to a 6-Pack Challenge" nutritionist Joy Bauer and fitness trainer Jeff Halevy join TODAY to offer tips on how to control snacking and up your water intake.

Tip 3 - Lose The Spare Tire With Just Two Exercises

Published:  | Submitted by Teresa Kleb | permalink
Lose The Spare Tire With Just Two Exercises

A few months ago, I asked Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S. -- one of the world's top trainers -- to create a cutting-edge fat loss program for Men's Health. A...
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Tip 4 - Exercises to Get Rid of Spare Tire |

Published:  | Submitted by Tricia Morris | permalink
Exercises to Get Rid of Spare Tire |

You need one in your car, just in case -- but there's no "just in case" requirement for that spare tire that surrounds your midsection. If you're hoping to work off that unsightly abdominal fat, you'll be doing yourself a favor in not only appearance, but also in preventing chronic diseases. The abdominal fat that's surrounding your...

Tip 5 - How Can I Get Rid of the Fat Around My Abs?

Published:  | Submitted by NOVA engs | permalink
How Can I Get Rid of the Fat Around My Abs?

Learn how to lose fat over the abs and get rid of the spare tire or the lower belly pooch from your About Exercise Guide

Tip 6 - Belly Fat and How to Beat It

Published:  | Submitted by Lisa Hebert | permalink
Belly Fat and How to Beat It

Of all the e-mails I get sent every day, by far the most common — from men and women alike — are questions about the best way to lose belly fat. A pot belly... love handles... the spare tire... call it what you will. It seems to be the area of your body that you'd really like to do something
Tags: best way to lose belly fat for men

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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