How to Get Your Blocked Account Back on Pinterest

How to Get Your Blocked Account Back on Pinterest? Ever wondered why some accounts get blocked while others don't? Are you one of the people whose account not longer works for  You can send a reconsideration request, which in most cases will get a canned reply or you can learn from others. Those who have already gone through what you are going through right now.  In the tips below, you will be able to read how others got their blocked pinterest account back. If you come across a good post with great tips on how to deal with pinterest to reinstate your account, please add it to the tips. Helping each other is the only way forward.

Tip 1 - Website Marked As SPAM on Pinterest? The Mafia Is Doing It

Published:  | Submitted by Pinafia | permalink
Website Marked As SPAM on Pinterest? The Mafia Is Doing It

Pinterest isn’t just for fashion and cute cat photos — it is the biggest traffic source to some of the small-business owners and bloggers who take advantage of the platform’s more than …

Tags: website marked,why some sites get blocked on pinterest

Tip 2 - Get Your Suspended Pinterest Account Reactivated and Prevent Future Suspensions

Published:  | Submitted by Hello World | permalink
Get Your Suspended Pinterest Account Reactivated and Prevent Future Suspensions

Would you like get your suspended Pinterest account reactivated? Would you like to learn how to prevent your Pinterest account from being suspended? You...

Tip 3 - Pins Marked As Spam - How to Avoid Having Your Pinterest Account Blocked

Published:  | Submitted by Travel King | permalink
Pins Marked As Spam - How to Avoid Having Your Pinterest Account Blocked

Pins marked as spam. Avoid having your pinterest account marked as spam. Do not pin duplicate pins to various boards you can get your account hidden by Pint.  I recently noticed a HUGE decline in my Pinterest traffic and I was not gaining any new followers, so I started to investigate to figure out what the problem could be. Since Pinterest is my #1 source for traffic I was shocked to see when I was getting close to nothing from them as a referral in my analytics.

Tip 4 - Why I Am Not On Pinterest - Website Marked As SPAM???

Published:  | Submitted by Pinterest Guru | permalink
Why I Am Not On Pinterest - Website Marked As SPAM???

I've received numerous messages from my readers that they were unable to pin my content in Pinterest. It looks like Pinterest marked my website as SPAM?

I Immediately sent an email to Pinterest as I believed that this was a mistake. If you are one of my 2 million+ Facebook Fans you probably know that I’ve dedicated this website to improving everyone’s health naturally and there is absolutely nothing spammy in this site. I write extremely high quality content that got repinned by my readers who wanted to share my content with their friends.

This was the shocking reply I got from Pinterest:

Hi Jenny,

We blocked this website because several users reported content from this site as spammy. To us, spam is any unsolicited or unauthorized material that’s promotional, commercial, fraudulent, false, deceptive or misleading. It’s important for us to block this type of content because it often results in negative experiences for users. Unfortunately we will not be removing that website from our blacklist.

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Category: Business & Finance | 8 years, 5 month(s) ago

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