How to Get a Gun License in NYC

How to Get a Gun License in NYC – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Get a Gun License in NYC. This topic was created by Central Reggae and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

Published:  | Submitted by Stephen Bellissimo | permalink

Getting a NYC Handgun License The process for obtaining a handgun license in New York City is long (between 3 - 6 months, and waits up to 8 months are not uncommon), and compared to many other jurisdictions, rather expensive. It's not particularly difficult, but it is tedious and incredibly time consuming. It tests your patience, and there is a lot of bureaucracy to deal with. The Application There are 2 ways to complete the application itself. You can type it, or you can download it, fill it out electronically, and print it. Handwritten applications are not accepted, nor are photocopies. The majority of the questions are straight forward. Be sure to include your driver's license and passport number (if you have either) on your Application Addendum in answer to Question 19, as these are a "license or permit issued to you by any City, State or Federal agency." Along with the application itself, you will need the following: Fees - 2 US Postal Money Orders, made payable to New York

Tip 2 - Pistol License Specialists of New York - Types of Gun Licenses

Published:  | Submitted by jester 8121 | permalink
Pistol License Specialists of New York - Types of Gun Licenses

Check out! There are ten different types of handgun licenses available in New York City. We will advise you which license(s) you could obtain by using our services.
Tags: Pistol, Gun, Handgun, Firearm, Rifle, Shotgun, Gun License, Gun Permit, Pistol License, Pistol Permit, NYC Gun License, NYC Gun Permit, NYC Pistol License, NYC Pistol Permit, NYPD Gun License, NYPD Gun Permit, NYPD License Division, Carry License, Concealed Carry, Armed Guard, Firearm Training, Special Patrolman, Special Officer, Peace Officer, License Consultants, Public Safety, Security, CCW, Gun Range,

Tip 3 - How to Buy a Gun in New York City

Published:  | Submitted by Gay | permalink
How to Buy a Gun in New York City

To buy a gun in New York City, you must first seek authorization from the New York License Division office by filling out a Handgun Purchase Authorization form. After they have approved your request to buy a gun, you can then purchase a...
Tags: WikiHow, Buy a Gun in New York City, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 4 - High Profile NYC Celeb With a Concealed Carry Permit Responds to New York’s New Laws: ‘We’re All Just Sheep Now’

Published:  | Submitted by Victor Sandmark | permalink
High Profile NYC Celeb With a Concealed Carry Permit Responds to New York’s New Laws: ‘We’re All Just Sheep Now’

Editor's note -- Radio star Anthony Cumia joined us on today's live BlazeCast at noon to talk about this story and the challenges he faces as a gun owner in New York. Here's the on-demand version of that interview: New York State's new Secure Ammunition...
Tags: anthony, cumia, opie, anthony, describes, being, concealed, carry, holder, new, york

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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