How to Get your Kids to Clean their Room

How to Get your Kids to Clean their Room – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Get your Kids to Clean their Room. This topic was created by John Gaudette and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Tips for Getting Kids To Clean Their Rooms

Published:  | Submitted by Dennis Sims | permalink
Tips for Getting Kids To Clean Their Rooms

It’s a battle that is waged in millions of households across America every Saturday morning. Mom or Dad or both say, perhaps gently the first time, “Okay, guys. It’s time to clean up your rooms.” The kids whine, dawdle, get distracted,...
Tags: abstract concept,adult life,bad mood,castles,consequences,difficult times,disrepair,exhaustion,frustration,grownup,households,kids chores,midst,morning mom,motions,predictability,reminders,saturday morning,stead,whine

Tip 2 - 4 Tips to Help Get Kids to Clean Their Rooms

Published:  | Submitted by somecallme Tim | permalink
4 Tips to Help Get Kids to Clean Their Rooms

Does your kid refuse to clean their room? Use these four tips to help get kids and teens to clean their rooms and pick up after themselves.
Tags: chores, responsibility, accountability, clean rooms

Tip 3 - How do I get my daughter to clean up her room and to keep it reasonable? -

Published:  | Submitted by Jay Shavin | permalink

<p>My daughter is 7.5 years old and destroys her room while playing. She does not clean up or put away her things. I am tired of telling her the same thing everyday. I help her clean up, but her habits do not seem to change. How do I get her to put things away when it is time to stop playing? She leaves her clothes, food wrappers, juice boxes , toys, markers, books, everything on the floor and does not try to put things away in its place. I show her how, but it remains a mess.</p>

Tip 4 - How to teach your child to clean ANY Bedroom in 10 Minutes (Without Using a Blowtorch)

Published:  | Submitted by Celk | permalink
How to teach your child to clean ANY Bedroom in 10 Minutes (Without Using a Blowtorch)

5 steps! How to teach your child to clean ANY bedroom on their own quickly, thoroughly and effectively? What if we told you it could be done in only ten minutes? The process is simple. Broken down, it’s a five step approach in which the child is making easy decisions between few distinct options.

Tip 5 - How can I get my kids to clean their rooms? - Positive Parenting Solutions

Published:  | Submitted by John Schaer | permalink
How can I get my kids to clean their rooms? - Positive Parenting Solutions

Our question today is from Marcy, a mom of 3 from Austin, TX and she asks… "How can I get my kids to clean their rooms? I feel like I’m constantly fussi

Tip 6 - How to Get Your Children to Clean Their Room

Published:  | Submitted by Dalila Tsihlakis | permalink
How to Get Your Children to Clean Their Room

Children's rooms - the place where your feet are met with toy cars, plastic army men, Lego blocks–and those sharp tiaras that always manage to poke up between your toes. Holding your language, at such a moment of pain, can be extremely d...
Tags: WikiHow, Get Your Children to Clean Their Room, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 7 - This Room Is a Mess!

Published:  | Submitted by Janet Kovacs | permalink
This Room Is a Mess!

Get your kids to clean up their act
Tags: cleaning,advice,kids,bedroom,conflict,room

Tip 8 - How I Get My Kids to Clean Their Room - Living Well Spending Less®

Published:  | Submitted by shash 7 | permalink
How I Get My Kids to Clean Their Room - Living Well Spending Less®

I haven’t talked about it much but for the past year or so an epic struggle has been waging in the Soukup household.  It is Mommy versus Kids in the War of the Tidy Room, and while there are still small battles being fought now and then, I can finally say with confidence that I am winning. I am not exaggerating when I tell you it has been a long and arduous and, at times, downright painful campaign.  It has involved tears, threats, bribes, rewards, games, countless trips to the naughty stool, and more reorganizing, reevaluating, relabeling, and retraining than I would care to admit.  At one point it even ... read more

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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