How to Give Kids a Blast From the Past on Holidays

How to Give Kids a Blast From the Past on Holidays – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Give Kids a Blast From the Past on Holidays. This topic was created by Seph XII and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Give Your Children a Blast from the Past on Holidays

Published:  | Submitted by 6blood | permalink
How to Give Your Children a Blast from the Past on Holidays

Some timeless ideas aren't really lost - they are just hidden away somewhere. The past is never any further away than where our hearts and minds can take us. Celebrate an old-fashioned Christmas with a Time Capsule. This can include an...
Tags: WikiHow, Give Your Children a Blast from the Past on Holidays, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 2 - Retail Notebook: Give kids a blast from the past

Published:  | Submitted by Danielle Garland | permalink
Retail Notebook: Give kids a blast from the past

Filled with vintage and reproduction children's clothing and toys, Retroactive Kids shares space with WS Kids Salon and offers a backroom Art Lab for children's sewing and craft classes. Toys at Retroactive Kids include vintage and reproduction puzzles, spinning tops and tea sets, old board games and -- in a nod to changing culinary sensibilities -- wooden playsets with pretend sushi. Surprisingly in this high- tech era, kids who visit the shop are especially fascinated with read-along, audiotaped storybooks and plastic Fisher-Price record players from the 1970s, which sell for about $45. Vintage clothing includes children's saddle shoes and high-topped sneakers, OshKosh overalls, jeans, dainty dresses and little-boy shortsand-blazer sets for dress-up. For mom's shopping pleasure, the shop also carries some vintage handbags, aprons and enameled pins from the 1950s and '60s. Other attractions include new clothing, changing pads, nursing drapes, baby leg warmers and other accessories designed by Seattle "mamapreneurs" -- women who combine cottage industries with motherhood. Two popular items are soft-leather toddler shoes by "See Kai Run," an internationally known firm started by a Columbia City mom, and ZuZu Petals, a stunning line of vintage-fabric dresses and coats by local designer Lily Hotchkiss. The store's extrememakeover decor now reflects its festive wares, thanks to weekend work parties that transformed the gray-green warren of office cubicles and fluorescent lights into 1,600 square feet of wide-open, tomato-red walls.

Tip 3 - 38 Things That Will Give 80's Kids a Blast From the Past |

Published:  | Submitted by Josu 00e 9 Queija | permalink
38 Things That Will Give 80's Kids a Blast From the Past |

If you were an 80’s kid, chances are you are part of a select group who got to experience one of the best times to be a child in American history. From the cartoons to the toys, there was so much to love about growing up then. We apologize for the wave of nostalgia this ... Read More …

Tip 4 - Blast to the Past VBS at Bible Fellowship Church of Newark - Bible Fellowship Christian Church of Newark Delaware

Published:  | Submitted by turky 4550 | permalink
Blast to the Past VBS at Bible Fellowship Church of Newark - Bible Fellowship Christian Church of Newark Delaware

Join Us on a Time Travel Adventure How AWESOME is God’s Love??  Kids will have a BLAST each day as they discover that God’s love for them is: Incredible, Faithful, Unconditional, and REAL!!! What is Vacation Bible School? It is a fun, exciting 2 ½ hour event held at the church. Get ready for an unbeatable week of fun and... Read more →

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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