How to Give to Help The Needy

How to Give to Help The Needy – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Give to Help The Needy. This topic was created by Gaylen Herfurth and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Guerrilla philanthropists using Craigslist to find needy families

Published:  | Submitted by Donald Borsand | permalink
Guerrilla philanthropists using Craigslist to find needy families

By Art Hughes | Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2008 An emerging group of givers who want to donate during the holiday season without the help of established charities are finding needy families with ads on Craigslist.
Tags: Economy

Tip 2 - Top 10 Ways to Help Poor and Needy People

Published:  | Submitted by Solstizio Invernale | permalink
Top 10 Ways to Help Poor and Needy People

On one hand, there are people who live their life lavishly. They are not only enjoying the joy of essentials but also have what they want and desire; a luxurious living providing them an extra comfort. On the other hand, there are people who cannot even afford the basic requirements of living. They do not have shelter to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear.People who have extra are living a comfortable and a posh life. While those who have barely the vitals are fighting each day for life.They fail to meet the basic requirements.There are people who have much more than they need to live whi

Tip 3 - Donors can go to website to find needy families

Published:  | Submitted by Glenn Busse | permalink
Donors can go to website to find needy families, lets people who need help tell their stories; donors read those stories and make donations for specific people.

Tip 4 - Help me to help needy families

Published:  | Submitted by robmx | permalink
Help me to help needy families

Help me to help needy families

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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