How to Go to Starwood Festival

How to Go to Starwood Festival – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Go to Starwood Festival. This topic was created by suddenashhome and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Starwood Festival - Pomeroy, Ohio - Event | Facebook

Published:  | Submitted by amy lieberg | permalink
Starwood Festival - Pomeroy, Ohio - Event | Facebook

Starwood Festival, Pomeroy, Ohio. 5,015 likes · 81 talking about this · 123 were here. The 2015 Starwood Festival

Tip 2 - starwood 35

Published:  | Submitted by Martina Lu 00e 4mmer | permalink
starwood 35

official Starwood 35 2015 website
Tags: church of all worlds, druid, pagan, rosencomet, starwood 35, starwood festival, subgenius

For further reading: [2]

Tip 3 - Ramble On: The Starwood Festival and other thoughts

Published:  | Submitted by Jeanne Spicuzza | permalink
Ramble On:  The Starwood Festival and other thoughts

Tip 4 - Druids and Deadheads meet up at the Starwood Festival

Published:  | Submitted by Marcel van Dieren | permalink
Druids and Deadheads meet up at the Starwood Festival

  Imagine a vacation in another realm. A resort in time and space where scientists sit with shamans and Druids dance with Deadheads. Where African drums jam with bluegrass fiddles, and political activism meets Earth spirituality. Where theater and life meld, days are spent in exploration of Strange New Worlds, within and without, as nights blaze with music, drumming, colored lights and bonfire flames. We provide the elements, you create the experience!  At our 34th Pomeroy, Ohio, you can walk through a candle-lit labyrinth serenaded by live harps, learn to craft a native American Flute, look through a telescope on a clear night, try Yoga, Mantra and Kirtan or workshops from more than 50 teachers, local and internationally acclaimed artists and speakers from a variety of spiritual paths and fields of study.  You’ll hear a wide range of styles of live music on your choice of three stages, each mid-day and each night, and enjoy workshops and a stellar performance by Las Vegas Master Magician, Jeff “Magnus” McBride.  Starwood offers a full schedule of Children’s and Teen programming with Co-op Child care, and a Costumed Kid’s parade on Saturday.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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