How to Help the Elderly Deal With Depression

How to Help the Elderly Deal With Depression – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Help the Elderly Deal With Depression. This topic was created by mary stormer and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Depression in the Elderly: 7 Ways to Help

Published:  | Submitted by Andy Cameron | permalink
Depression in the Elderly: 7 Ways to Help

Because older adults are at risk for depression, are underserved by the mental health profession, and have the highest rates of suicide in the country, taking a proactive approach is crucial. Here are some ways you can show your support.
Tags: depression in the elderly, depressed older person, care for a depressed elder, depression in the elderly, care for someone with depression

Tip 2 - Depression & Seniors: 5 Ways You Can Help

Published:  | Submitted by Jim Landreth | permalink
Depression & Seniors: 5 Ways You Can Help

Depression affects people of all ages; it really doesn’t care if you’re a 17-year-old high school student or a 50-something CEO.  Depression is non-discriminating  and will take you down like a starving grizzly bear, given half a chance. There...
Tags: age group,aging process,cardiac disease,dear don,depression and the elderly,depression elderly,depression help,depression studies,elderly depression,elderly person,friends family,grizzly bear,half a chance,heart attack,lack of appetite,loss of interest,personal experience,physical illnesses,population one,son of a bitch,symptoms of depression,typical symptoms,white men

Tip 3 - 12 Depression Busters for Seniors

Published:  | Submitted by Carol Lubus | permalink
12 Depression Busters for Seniors

Roughly a quarter of people age 65 or older suffer from depression. More than half of doctor’s visits by the elderly involve complaints of emotional distress. Twenty percent of suicides in this country are committed by seniors, with the highest...
Tags: aggressive treatment,american geriatrics society,brain chemistry,cancer patients,chronic illnesses,creative methods,depression and anxiety,depression anxiety,depressive symptoms,effect brain,emotional distress,journal of the american geriatrics society,kevorkian,mental health provider,mood disorder,physical ailment,rafi,senior citizens,stroke patients,treatment goals

Tip 4 - Elderly Depression: Symptoms & Care

Published:  | Submitted by Sherri Winton | permalink
Elderly Depression: Symptoms & Care

Read about the warning signs of elderly depression and how to get help for your loved one. Discover why elderly depression is a major public health problem.

Tip 5 - Depression in the Elderly

Published:  | Submitted by Enid Zayas | permalink
Depression in the Elderly

Depression is common in elderly adults, but it isn't normal. Learn how to recognize depression in your aging loved one, and find out how it is treated.
Tags: Depression in the Elderly, clinical depression, major depression, late-life depression, death, grief, widows, cancer, illness, terminal

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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